Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I remember that but I didn’t think it was Robl.

NVG nearly broke you IIRC. Are you still a mod on 2+2?

You are correct, but I don’t remember what the dude’s name was so I’m playing fast and loose with the facts. Robl had some kind of piece of it though. “Based on a true story.”

Edit: Exactly 0% chance I was ever coming up with Jay Kwik.

30 days in darkness creeps me out a lot less than Laak’s 7 days playing poker without sleep

edit: looked it up, it was 4.7 days (115 hours) & profitable at 10/20

Remember the one guy who trolled politics for 48 hours without a break?


Wasn’t that DrunkNrape?

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Allo gov’na!!!


Had dim sum in Chinatown on Sunday and I’m not ded yet.

Was a very pleasant experience too. Can easily wait 30 minutes for a table at this place but there was no wait on this visit. Would try again.

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Japan finally realized that quarantining people on a cruise ship was a terrible idea and they’re going to have a phased evacuation of the ship where they take people who test negative to an on-land quarantine center, and those that test positive to a hospital. 44 new cases last night.


1st death from the virus is reported in Japan. 80 year old woman :( Not a case from the cruise ship and reports are that they don’t know how she got infected (she hadn’t left the country).

more details :

  • She felt ill Jan 22nd.
  • Hospitalized from Feb 1st and diagnosed as pneumonia.
  • Died on the 13th
  • They reportedly tested her for the virus just before she died and that test came back positive

Other cases in Japan today include:

  • A taxi driver who first had a fever on Jan 29 and was hospitalized Feb 6th
  • A doctor who may have continued to work after symptoms appeared

Not looking promising for containment in Japan.

This guy seems to have legit credentials and seems to think this is less serious than other reports would leave us to believe. Also says he doubts there are super spreaders, and seems confident that warming temperatures will curb the virus. (I’ve read some speculation that the virus is resistant to warming temps.)

Anyone know anything else about this guy? (Hopefully I haven’t been fooled by some non legit publication and/or some quack doctor.)

Seems legit, he’s assuming it will pan out mostly like a worse version of SARS, which seems like what’s going on.

I’ve heard vaccines are on their way but they’ll probably not be ready until it’s already run it’s course.

Jesus solves another case


Typical get people that believe anything and convince to them to believe anything for a buck , Shit pisses off to no end

SARS had like a 10% mortality rate? A worse version of SARS that has infected tens of thousands of people seems…quite bad.

I use colloidal silver mixed with MMS. Will kill everything!

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Worse in it’s R0 number i think, not worse in it’s mortality rate. This will kill more than SARS (already has), but not because it has a higher mortality rate. I still think with a 2 percent mortality rate this is going to lead to worldwide disorder, but we’ll see if I’m proven wrong.