Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sole mod of NVG for quite a while lol. But it’s the same as the cruise forum, I used to play poker, so I posted a lot on 2+2, both on the start forums and in NVG. I used to cruise, so i posted a lot on cruisecritic (cruising with young kids sucks so that ended that).

Let’s find out. Start a Disney princess ranking thread and put Tiana as GOAT. Post link here.

Lol, reaction was largely positive to African American Ariel in new live action Little Mermaid movie.


Is she still a redhead?

Not really a fan of this show so far, unfortunately. And HBO has had such a strong record with half hour comedies. Too bad.


If so, she has an extremely rare setup on the MC1R gene. That would be some woke-as-fuck cartoon making.

I’m ok with it if they use hair color. Just this once.

It’s not far-fetched if Ariel is from the Disney world equivalent of the Caribbean.

Dr. George Busby from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics agrees. He says that the red hair and freckles is the likely result of the historical interactions between Europeans and Africans in the formation of the Caribbean populations—most notably with Brits, as the Spanish and Portuguese went to South America.

George states: “This might also explain why you occasionally see red hair on a black Caribbean person who has two black parents. By chance alone, it might be that they are both carrying a European mutation which has come together in their child.”

Plus it’s more prevalent in mermaid populations, so not a big reach.


Should be able to tell from the katakana, but it’s blurry I got no clue what “Famochishin” (famochijin?) would be and the other one is too blurry. “Ko-ta-i-o-something?”

Famorashin and famochishin appear to be words Google has literally never seen before.

No wait, might be amoxicillin, except it definitely starts with “Fa / Pha”

Edit, here’s amoxicillin, it’s definitely not that:


It could just be some Japanization of “pharma-something” like pharmalogical or somethign. Maybe it just says “pharmaceutical” but they already have kanji for that, so idk.

Stupid language.

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on Thursday, officials added more than 14,840 new cases to the tally of the infected in Hubei Province alone, bringing the total number to 48,206 — the largest one-day increase so far recorded. The death toll in the province rose to 1,310, including 242 new deaths.

Officials now seem to be including infections observed on lung scans alone. This shortcut will help get more patients into needed care, provincial officials said, but it also shows the enormous number of people who are sick and have not been counted in the official tally of the outbreak.

It is not uncommon for scientists to refine diagnostic criteria as their understanding of a new disease changes. But when the criteria are changed, experts said, it makes little sense to continue to make week-over-week comparisons.

“It sounds simplistic, but it’s so very important — what numbers are you counting?” said Dr. Schaffner, the infectious disease specialist.

Scientists have been wary of the notion that the epidemic has peaked for other reasons, as well. Unlike MERS and SARS, both diseases caused by coronaviruses, the virus spreading from China appears to be highly transmissible, though it is probably less often fatal.

Epidemics of highly transmissible agents, such as influenza, require constant containment efforts. A single infected “super-spreader” can infect dozens of others. Outbreaks can seem to recede, only to rebound in short order, as the weather or conditions change.

Clusters of cases that have emerged in an apartment building in Hong Kong, a ski chalet in France and a department store in eastern China suggest the new coronavirus spreads quickly and in ways that are not entirely understood.

In Hong Kong, people living 10 floors apart were infected, and an unsealed pipe was blamed. A British citizen apparently infected 10 people, including some at the ski chalet, before he even knew he was sick.

In Tianjin, China, at least 33 of 102 confirmed patients had a connection of some sort with a large department store.

Yup, the first real evidence that the number of cases are drastically undercounted.

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This is why keeping everyone on the ship is so bad. Interesting case here:

They have demonstrated that, unlike a typical viral outbreak that is spread through person-to-person contact, the SARS virus in this case was spread primarily through the air. High concentrations of viral aerosols in building plumbing were drawn into apartment bathrooms through floor drains. The initial exposures occurred in these bathrooms. The virus-laden air was then transported by prevailing winds to adjacent buildings at Amoy Gardens, where additional exposures occurred.

And one from NEJM:

Residents of the floors at the middle and upper levels in building E were at a significantly higher risk than residents on lower floors; this finding is consistent with a rising plume of contaminated warm air in the air shaft generated from a middle-level apartment unit.

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@bro seriously co-opted the culture for years. She was the Rachel Dolezal of mermaid life.

Another week and good2cu drops from 1st to 3,701st in most consecutive days confined to a hospitality industry washroom.


Is this some elite reference to poker guy lives in hotel stall for a month prop? I vaguely remember this.