Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Are you shitting me, the same crew is still doing food prep for the ship? I assumed everyone was quarantined to their quarters and something like hazmat suit wearing workers were delivering food and water from the mainland to individual quarters.

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It’s not entirely clear. AT least in the beginning the crew was definitely still doing food prep. It may be the case that this has stopped, but the crew is definitely still doing the food delivery. They’re also still living in close quarters with people with fever. The internet the passengers have is very spotty and communications with them has gotten bad.

On the one hand, that’s absolutely batshit bonkers. While on the other hand, this would easily explain why so many on board are catching it, and while terrible for those on board, at least could possibly mean that this thing isn’t so infectious that people are catching it through the ships air handling systems.

That’s incredibly messed up

Yeah, people are absolutely getting it because this is being managed in the worst way imaginable. One of the Japanese quarantine control officers got it for fucks sake. 175 now infected with coronavirus on cruise ship, including quarantine officer | Ars Technica

Edit: that 175 number is out of date by the way, there were 39 new cases overnight. Again that’s 39 cases that they’ve bothered to test. There are a lot of anecdotal reports of people with fever for several days who haven’t been tested.

No. Make a claim.

It was predictably crazy town holding them on the ship. I read (maybe from @kathy49) that British doctors and nurses were boarding the ship. The cruisecritic people seemed sort of baffled by this. @j8i3h289dn3x7: Correct me if I’m wrong but PCL is based in the UK? That’s why I was asking about legal jurisdictions and liability.

PCL is part of Carnival Cruise Lines, a US corporation. The ship itself is probably flagged in some bullshit port of convenience, most of them are flagged in the Bahamas to dodge US wage laws, etc, although sometimes they’re flagged in one of the British territories so that could be the link. I’ll check.

Edit: I guess it is British flagged.

Also, the cruisecritic people are by and large idiots. Literal hot takes like the crew should be really grateful that Princess is paying them an extra two months wages for their indentured servitude/slavery while working and living in danger of contracting a fatal illness.

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This is off-topic, but man, prion disease is a horrible way to die. After my mom told me about this epidemic that’s going around deer populations I started digging around wikipedia and that is some nasty shit. Don’t eat venison, don’t feed cow brains to other cows, don’t ritually consume the brains of your deceased family members or rivals, that is my advice for today.


Yeah, I stopped eating read meat about 9 months ago, for health reasons in general, although prion disease definitely went into my analysis. I will say this, Impossible burgers are remarkably tasty and easy to cook (if not particularly healthy). I also find that you don’t really miss it. Chicken is awesome and ground turkey can make a good burger.

This guy is Tweeting from inside the ship.

Calonal == Extra Strength Tylenol

Do we have any kanji readers who can decipher what the others are?

They have been on that ship now for 24 days.

Honestly I think the least they can do is offer these people some good drugs. If you’re gonna quarantine me on a fucking death ship you better have a steady supply of all the fucking drugs. Weed, xanax, opiates. If it’s gonna be a prison let it operate like one.


I’m endlessly fascinated by the fact that not only does Jman post on a forum about cruise ships, but he posts on a forum about cruise ships where he thinks the majority of posters are idiots :rofl:

Whatcha putting yourself through jman.


Lol, the forum has good information if you’re going on a cruise, and I used to do that a lot. But it is definitely deplorable city. The disboards people though are a different class. Political discussion is not allowed but I get the sense that most of them are not deplorable, since it skews more to educated/suburban/professional family people with young kids.

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Calling it, jman is going to die on a cruise—on a cruise around the moon, in 2074, from complications arising from the common cold?


Most people on most forums are idiots. There is some extreme self-selection bias here in that it’s mostly people who were smart enough to (1) win money at leisure games and (2) split from the Nazi wing of said type of people.


Shouldn’t be that hard to understand: We all posted on 2+2. And I think jman was an NVG mod lolz.

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