Coronavirus (COVID-19)

WHO has officially named the virus COVID-19 if anyone wants to update title.


I’m legit asking.

It’s not “about Japanese people.” It’s about the common film trope of crowds panicking in the presence of an absolutely ridiculous device, i.e., the giant movie monster. I could have said King Kong, Stay Puft Marshmellow Man, the 50-foot woman, or Cloverfield, but none of those make sense because Godzilla is the one associated with Japan.


I’d ask that you consider the role tropes play, even apparently non-harmful ones, on communities that are more frequently subjected to outright negative stereotypes.

That is all.

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Also. Reminder.

  • wash your hands and sanitize regularly.
  • don’t touch your face
  • keep your distance
  • Watch film Contagion on a weekly basis
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I was about to book a trip to Jamaica in June… having some very mild reservations now.

But you repeat yourself.
badum tsss


don’t leave your house



I mean Narcos Mexico season 2 is coming out tomorrow on Netflix. Why would you ever leave your house except for work?


I’d see a doctor about those.

Big jump in deaths today. I think that’s about 250 since yesterday. And we’re just now about two to three weeks out from when the number of reported infections really started climbing. (death reportedly takes about 3 weeks in most cases)


It’s possible we will start to see numbers as high as 500 to 1000 dead per day within the next 7-10 days if deaths track along the same curve as infections did. Hope I’m wrong.

Also a huge spike in reported infections, which I just noticed. Who knows what’s going on with these numbers…

Big jump in cases as well. Nearly 15k new cases :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Hubei changed how they are reporting today is the reason for the big jumps. Starting today they are counting ‘clinically confirmed cases’ as confirmed cases whereas before they required a positive test to count. So they added about 10000 cases that had occurred in the past but are added to today’s total. The deaths have risen for the same reason.

If they were still using yesterday’s methods the numbers would be around 1500 new cases and 107 new deaths.

Obviously these new numbers are closer to reality then what was being reported previously but the trajectory hasnt changed suddenly. I think the number of new cases will drop back down significantly (but not all the way to where they were) and the number of deaths each day will stay at this level but continue to rise at the previous rate.

Hopefully the new cases continue to decline like they were doing before this reporting change.


Well that certainly explains the big jump. But it also confirms that the number of cases are probably grossly under reported, as many have suspected. If they didn’t have enough test kits to test patients sick enough to be “clinically confirmed” then they most likely don’t have enough kits to test bunches of potential infections.

So the slow down in reported cases might just mean that they are at the limit of testing (due to number of available test kits) and we have no idea how many new cases there are every day. They didn’t even have enough test kits to test everyone on that single cruise ship in Japan.

Honestly, I was an avid cruiser, but I don’t know that I’ll ever cruise again after following what’s happenning on the Diamond Princess. It gets worse and worse every day.

Cliffs on the latest?

Basically the number of infected keep climbing, every day, day over day. Also they seem to be horribly managing it. The guests are confined to quarters but the crew seem to still be doing food prep and stufff in groups and there seem to be a lot of infected crew. This comes from leaks and social media posting from crew members so who knows how reliable any of it is, but the number of cases keeps going up every day. They are currently not even testing everyone with fever, they are running days behind on that. It’s just a nightmare.

Also, and not for nothing, but the crew are now basically existing in a state of slavery.

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