Coronavirus (COVID-19)

lmao start a fire. i’d fuckin hate to be trapped on an infected boat with you dude


I’m not gonna mark it zero but points detracted for murdering everyone on board being very live.


To be fair, some of those people would be dead anyway from the coronavirus. And also SA jumping overboard and breaking all of his bones on impact with the water.


Have none of you played that Hitman game, just pull the fire alarms and everyone evacuates. Starting an actual fire just helps you sell the bit.

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Is it legal to yell “Godzilla!” in a crowded Japanese theater?


Nothing but respect for MY insurance agent


Johnny told me to catch up ITT for laughs. I was like wtf? In the Carona thread?! But the thread delivered :+1:

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So I think this also doesn’t work because looks like the security detail on the boat is pretty high right now, like GTA five stars levels. Unless your extraction team is Delta Force, this is going to fail because the State Farm bluetooth guy isn’t evading JP military in broad daylight, and he’s dipping the chopper into the ocean at night (I learned this in another thread).

My entire escape strategy hinges on being able to receive Amazon Prime deliveries on the vessel. I’m putting my trust in cruisecritic poster @kathy49 so I hope she’s right about this:

they can order things to be delivered too…but interesting that today is so limited with the internet.

I order one of these hazmat ninja suits and walk off the ship with the ministry of health workers. I learned this move from just about every cheeseball heist film ever made, so I’m betting against the Japanese being big fans of Michael Bay.


My dad told me today he was thinking about taking my mom on a cruise. I was like, “Uhh, you sure about that? You might want to wait a few months.”

I dont get the joke.

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Interesting article on what is happening in India.

3 confirmed cases. Thousands under observation/community quarantine

I also use it for combat sports. The fight threads on r/MMA and r/Boxing are great.

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Escape From Diamond Princess is an upcoming Kurt Russell movie


AnD yOu WaNT tHeSE PeOpLE rUnNiNg yOUr hEAltHCarE

Run! It’s Godzilla!!! is a trope.

A trope about Japanese people?

Is there another name for that?


Why don’t you tell us?