Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We still only have rough guesses as to the R0 or lethality.

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Los Alamos came out with a horrific estimate yesterday, I think it was 4.7-6.6. Paper not peer-reviewed though.

People in Japan getting sick and not knowing where from.

That’s basically the ball game right?

No way they track or contain everyone of these cases, which means exponential spread, and people from Japan travel a hell of a lot too…

I still assume there is uncontained and unidentified spread in a bunch of other countries too, but Japan probably gonna get the blame.

Where are you seeing these?

I can’t find anything about Japan other than the cruise ship on any of my normal news sites.

Great - we have multiple different people in my office from Japan every week and also people from my office back and forth from Japan (and frequently China) all the time. We are owned by Japanese parent company.

Japan is so far listed with 28 cases on the JH dashboard. Those have to be independent of the cruise ship cases since those greatly outnumber these 28 cases. But since Japan couldn’t test everyone on the ship, I assume they have no/limited way to test their own population either.

I’ve been using this site for my numbers in case you prefer it: Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline - BNO News

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The cruise ship is its own dot on that map.

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Ahh, thanks didn’t notice that.

There was a taxi driver in Japan who tested positive for the virus. No known contact with any international travelers and no international travel. It does seem to be spreading locally in Japan now.

Seems pretty easy for a taxi driver to unknowingly have contact with an international traveler.

Sure. Still doesn’t change the fact that it’s spreading locally.

Yeah. It pretty much means there are unidentified cases in Japan. If there’s one there’s surely more.

If there are unidentified cases in Japan, there is definitely unidentified cases in other countries.

We are pretty much a lock for this to now be a global pandemic.

2020 is gonna suck.

Where did you see that?


It must have been the cruisecritic forum, but they had a link, let me find it.

This is an article that talks about the two taxi drivers. I know some other article had info that the one taxi driver hadn’t traveled and claimed he’d had no contact with international travelers but I can’t find it. Japan records first coronavirus death, two taxi drivers test positive | National Post

In other news, there was another ship, the HAL Westerdam, that has been on it’s own little voyage of the damned for the past week as country after country refused to let it port or disembark passengers. They don’t even have a confirmed case of COVID-19, they just have like 20 sick passengers. Even the US turned them down when they tried to port in Guam which is ridiculous since there were a lot of Americans onboard. The ship was running low on supplies. The country that finally let them port after the US, Japan, and basically every other large country in the area denied them? Freaking Cambodia of all places.

We haven’t found a vaccine for this virus, but we’ve discovered a receptor antagonist that blocks cruise ships from entering ports.


First death in France from the virus. An 80 year man from China.

Also another 67 new cases onboard that cruise ship in Japan bringing the total to 285 cases on the ship. Whatever their plan was when they discovered the first case I don’t think it was optimal. What a nightmare this must be for those passengers.

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The US is finally going to evacuate it’s citizens off of that cruise ship. Only happenned because one of the passengers is apparently himself a PCP who is friends with a congressman who is also a physician and called and told the congressman about deteriorating conditions on the ship. Also, the worldwide mortality rate still holding at 2.2 percent. This has fallen out of the news a bit but this still remains really really bad.