Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Here’s the map from the latest WHO situation report.

Not that people here ever needed an excuse to be racist, but a Vietnamese restaurant in Prague banned Chinese customers.

I used the past tense because it hit social media almost immediately after it was put up and the pressure resulted in the sign being taken down a few hours later. They didn’t have to reject anybody for looking Chinese or anything like that but I wonder how that would have gone.

I mean people going to Vinohrady for Vietnamese food are suckers to begin with especially when Little Hanoi isn’t too far away. But if you’re in Prague and want to avoid supporting racist restaurant owners, don’t go to Pho Original.

I really enjoy how surprised everyone gets when non-white people are racist to each other like white people invented bigotry or something lol. The owners of that restaurant probably always strongly disliked Chinese people lol.

Asians can be super-racist towards other Asians. One of my former colleagues was from Hong Kong and absolutely despised mainland Chinese people. Mind you, this was long before the ongoing protests or the Umbrella Revolution for that matter.

For example, a good lot of people from China and South Korea hate Japanese people. For China, it’s the Nanjing Massacre. For South Korea, it’s turning their women into sex slaves and never apologizing for doing so. Of course, this doesn’t stop either place from buying their electronics and loving their cartoons.

I see literally no one surprised by this.

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I used to post on a lot, for obvious reasons. Their politics forum was always a shitshow, too. for such a chill, laidback stoner-type community, there are an abnormally high number of conservitards who skydive.

Back when Survivor started, I became slightly obsessed with the show, to the point I was an admin of a spoiler-hunter board (people would analyze the show, previews, news, etc to try to figure out who would be voted off next, winner, etc) called SurvivorUniversity. Slightly embarrassing now but hey, it got me free tickets to one of the live finale shows in New York as a member of the “press”.

Look…me, a friend, and Jeff Probst in 2002!


Any opinions on whether this is racist?

The failing poker forum? Sad!

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Forums I have posted on even semi-regularly other than 2+2:

Forums - Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Support - a forum for people trying to kick benzos - great place to learn how to make a great lease deal, or even get one via the forum

I just assume everyone posts on reddit.

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never once


Don’t even have a user name on Reddit to track subreddits that I occasionally read.

I have an account on the forum Reddit blatantly stole their entire model from.

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r/China_Flu is the subreddit I’ve been going to for coronavirus news.


Number of NCOV cases on the cruise ship nearly doubled overnight:

I really hope they rethink this “quarantine them in the best environment for spreading disease imaginable” strategy.


I couldn’t imagine having a family member on board. Especially since I assume the median age is like 65+

So the good news is that the latest modelling suggests death rates of around 1%, not 2-3% as previously reported.

The bad news is that this virus appears to spread far more easily than other flu types, and the number of infected people is much greater than reported.

It is estimated that 1% of people infected with the new coronavirus may die, according to a report by the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Modelling.

Prof Neil Ferguson, of Imperial College London, said: “Our estimates - while subject to much uncertainty due to the limited data currently available - suggest that the impact of the unfolding epidemic may be comparable to the major influenza pandemics of the 20th century.”

Just to nit it up, this isn’t at all related to influenza.

I think it’s still up in the air how infectious this is - I posted earlier that, as with SARS and MERS, there are likely to be “super-spreaders” who pass the virus on to far more people than average. That’s balanced out by people who spread to less people than average. So for example this story:

That might be reason to panic, but the thing is, a cluster of new infections like that would be typical of a concentration of super-spreader events. And - this is pure speculation but makes sense to me - probably “super-spreaders” have a severe case of the virus, like probably their bodies are cranking out huge amounts of new virus. Like there has to be some reason some people are way more infectious. It would make sense that those cases are more likely to require hospital attention.

The virus hasn’t looked that bad outside of China, we’ve had people fly to Australia and wander around airports and cities and apparently not give the thing to anybody. Personally I continue to think we will be able to contain it, but we’ll see what happens in Africa and South East Asia, things could quickly get out of hand.

Why in god’s name are we listening to this guy? Listen to the actual experts, people.

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He is an expert.