Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I took a Disney cruise when my kids were younger. It was fun for them. Boring for me. It’s like traveling and staying in the hotel most of the time. Lame.

● A World Health Organization-led international team is planning to leave for China on Monday or Tuesday to conduct an investigation of the coronavirus outbreak, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Saturday. Tedros says he “hopes” the team will include officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

● Chinese authorities have labeled masks a “strategic resource” and experts call for the most protective masks to be reserved for medical workers amid global shortages.

● Beijing authorities have said that lying about having contact with someone with coronavirus could be punishable by death.

From the annals of “who thought this was a good idea”:


No, I was reposting something from the cruisecritic forum that another poster debunked, but i can’t figure out how to delete a post on this forum.

Click the 3 little dots at the bottom right then click the trash can.

As long as you’re dropping science, how can I use capitals in my username (and ideally, a hyphen and a space)?

Hyphens and capitals are allowed, spaces aren’t. Working with that, tell me what you want and I’ll change it.

Underscores are allowed too.

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please and thank you.

Done, I think? Do you feel any different?

Doc, I’m a whole new man!


One fine day when we’re not all dead I want to do a roundup of the other forums people frequent(ed).

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Ok, but I just want to put it out there that my time om the NAMBLA boards was purely for trolling. And also that my time on Twoplustwo was prior to a white supremacist turn obvious enough for me to recognize it.


Six more people diagnosed with NCOV on Diamond Princess last night, 14 day counter resets again.

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Are people actively posting on disboards from the boat? I tried to find a big thread on disboards discussing the virus on Diamond Princess, but couldn’t.

Would you link it?

Not disboards, cruisecritic: Somebody is live-blogging it and posting videos to facebook. A couple of the posters have friends who are on board and are posting their second-hand accounts.


At the heart of the epidemic in Wuhan, the situation remains dire.

Officials are rushing to transfer patients into three quarantine facilities with 4,000 beds to alleviate a severe shortage of space inside the city’s overwhelmed hospitals. Hotels and university dorms are being requisitioned and converted into spaces for “centralized quarantine” for patients showing symptoms.

Leishenshan, a second makeshift hospital with 1,600 beds, began accepting patients with severe symptoms beginning Saturday night, state media reported.

Wuhan officials had initially asked all but the most ill patients to stay home in recent weeks due to a shortage of hospital beds, but on Saturday Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, the leader of a central government response group, ordered local officials to “take in everyone that should be taken in” to newly established facilities to quarantine confirmed cases.

But risks remain inside medical facilities. Doctors from Wuhan’s Zhongnan Hospital reported that 41 percent of coronavirus patients at their hospital became infected while inside the hospital by other patients and medical staff. The doctors announced their findings in a paper published by the Journal of the American Medical Association on Friday.

At another hospital, the Wuhan Mental and Health Center, 50 patients and 30 medical staff were infected due to a lack of caution and protective gear, a doctor, Zhao Ping, told China Newsweek magazine.

Hubei deputy governor Cao Guangjing said Saturday that hospitals in the province only had 80 percent of the masks they required.

Old ones I don’t post in anymore:


Future home? (I do have a couple posts in here):

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Is this a fake website?

Re: official infection/death numbers:

One month after patients began surging into area hospitals, many increasingly sick and desperate households say they still cannot secure care and fear time is running out.

Li Lina, a resident in the Hanyang district, beat a gong and shrieked from her high-rise balcony this weekend to beg for help for her and her stricken mother holed up at home. A neighbor filmed her cries and uploaded it to the Internet, where it went viral.

Reached by telephone on Sunday, Li explained that her mother’s condition was steadily worsening but she has not been able to secure a hospital bed since Jan. 29, because city regulations allow only confirmed coronavirus patients to get spots.

Li was finally able to administer a nucleic acid test on Friday; the result returned positive for coronavirus but ambiguous. Doctors gave her mother a second exam and Li is waiting for the result to arrive Tuesday.

“I don’t even know if she’ll hold out that long,” Li said as she tended to her mother, who is too feeble to speak and communicates by ringing a bell. “I feel helpless. I can’t watch my mother die."