Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Seems more likely they’re bouncing against their current testing capacity, thus straightening out the curve.

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No one has said anything like that for the past week ITT as far as I can tell.

Also. This.

Sure. We are dealing in uncertainties, but there is a lot of evidence that this could be bad. Why d9 you think it won’t be?


Even within a contained area, with a totalitarian state implementing draconian measures, we can only contain this to this extent.

Maybe I’m wrong. But there seems to be a lot of people using a heuristic of

“Its not that bad right now and it’s far away. Therefore it won’t be bad in the future or come here”

At least implicitly

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I think most people believe it’s a real risk and could be really bad, but there is not enough info for sure and the info we do have is very sketchy and difficult to access.

Also a lot of people seem to think jman is feverish with panic, although I’m not one of them.

Man. When did you get wise and shit?

So I post regularly on three forums, this one, disboards (Disney World), and cruisecritic. Because of that I’ve gotten a lot of on the ground information about the “on the ground” situation on the Diamond Princess, currently quarantined off the coast of japan. Everyone there is quarantined to their rooms, 24/7, except the people who are in the “inside” rooms (no windows, about the size of a walk-in closet) are allowed 1 hour of supervised yard time every day. There are more cases every day, as of this morning they were up to 64. When someone gets sick and tests positive they take them off the ship, but otherwise they have to stay on the ship. People are just on the ship waiting to get sick. They are separating families. A newlywed couple had the husband test positive but the wife did not, so they took the husband away but left the wife, who now has no idea where her husband is or whether she’ll ever see him alive again. People are running out of prescription medication although Japan is apparently “working on that.” Someone posted that he was worried he was going to go into diabetic shock because he hadn’t gotten food in like 24 hours, the post went viral, and that forced the issue. People on the ship are being told the earliest they can get off is two weeks from the last positive test, but that counter resets every day.

Anywho, I wouldn’t take a cruise right now.

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Saw a Vietnamese restaurant that had a sign on the door banning Chinese people due to the coronavirus.

Aside from the fact that there hasn’t been a single case of coronavirus where I live, how can somebody tell if somebody is Chinese based on looking? That and Czech people do travel to China and get sick. Who’s to say that isn’t one of them that gets it if anybody here does?

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Cruises are a very cost-effective way of visiting some expensive places, like Europe. My first cruise was my honeymoon, I got to see a different European city each day for around $100 per night per person at a time in my life when I could not have afforded staying in expensive European hotels.

Several of the American passengers have posted videos directed at Trump begging him to save them.

I wanna take a cruise some day, but damn if they aren’t floating disease factories.

on wheel of fortune it says a 7-day cruise is like $8000


when i think about a cruise i think about being stuck in the middle of the ocean going slow as fuck with 1000 wheel of fortune contestants


Reposted from cruisecritic:

[QUOTE] Fear on the Diamond Princess

American author Gay Courter is also among the more than 2,600 passengers trapped on board the Diamond Princess, which she described as a “contaminated prison.”

“(My husband Philip and I) are 75 and 77 years old, we have health risks and we are a bad category to get sick … We are not safe in our rooms,” she said.

In an attempt to escape the infection, Courter said she had contacted her insurance company, Medjet, which is willing to send a crisis extraction team from the boat to evacuate her.

The US and Japanese governments, however, won’t allow that to happen. Japanese health officials told CNN that any passengers of the Diamond Princess had to go through the quarantine process before they were allowed onto land and that the process was ongoing.

“We can be taken in quarantine, and extracted in quarantine and arrive in the United States safely,” she said. “We are not sick at the moment but there is a major concern that circulating air on this ship can make people sick.”

Courter said the US government could take them to the nearby Okinawa military base for evacuation, telling President Donald Trump that he could have another thousand US coronavirus cases on his hands if the ship wasn’t emptied.

“This was a trip of a lifetime, and I used all of my credit card points. The way out was divine but right now I do not mind how I go home,” she said.

Courter is afraid that if she becomes infected she may not survive. Older people are especially susceptible to the Wuhan coronavirus — China’s National Health Commission said Tuesday that 80% of all fatalities in mainland China were over the age of 60.

“I (just) do not want to go home in a box,” she said. [/QUOTE]


lmao what kind of diamond class insurance plan has a crisis extraction team that can get you off a boat in japan


Most trip insurance includes this. It’s not that expensive, because the odds that you are going to have to use it are like astronomically low.

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I’ve literally traveled around the world on a boat and I still wouldn’t take a cruise.

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I don’t think it won’t be and it’s wrong to assume I do think that if I say there’s no hard evidence yet that it’s going to be a pandemic.

Iow I don’t know and neither does anyone else yet.

Huh? Was this supposed to be a response to my post?