Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Golf clap.

Try the veal.

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Its going to be very hard to prevent the elderly from being exposed if this gets out of hand. I took care of my mom from age 86 to 96 when she passed away. She was essentially house-bound, but one day she came down with a cold and I didn’t. I figured it had to have been transmitted by the aide who came in to help with her showers.

Yeah, it’s TV news - 10 second sound bite, 20 seconds of a talking head misinterpreting that, then break for commercial and a story about someone who has a pet pig.

I’m pretty sure it will be fine - just one more thing to add to my free-floating background anxiety.



The good news is that most of the people who stocked up on guns also stocked up on food, so they hopefully won’t be out trying to loot and rob.

The bad news is that most != all.

I’ve been wondering about whether we could try to just “pause” a huge chunk of the economy via legislation. It would be unprecedented and of questionable legality, but what if we just said all mortgages pause for two months, all rent pauses for two months, and the contracts all get two months added onto the end of them? That immediately reduces everyone’s expenses significantly - including businesses.

Then give everyone like $X/mo to cover remaining basic expenses via a temporary UBI.

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Stay away from the venison, tho.


Seeing empty shelves in the grocery store is about the only thing that has increased my anxiety level. I typically go to the store every other day or so since I’m not in the habit of freezing anything, I broke down and bought enough food for a few weeks just so I don’t have to go back for a while.


We’re approaching the same strategy, with the add-on that we’re running two households. Pain in the butt, but I think what you’re doing is entirely reasonable in having a couple of weeks of food in reserve.


The constant sound of sirens in the background as we sit in here eating a late dinner. If I knew how to post pics here I could show you the pic of the triage tents set up at the emergency room entrance at the hospital down the road.

It’s starting…

Ann Arundel county Maryland just outside of Baltimore.

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You can click and drag or copy and paste images directly into the reply box.

click the up arrow to post a pic. 7th button from the left. @Theorangone

Australia cases spiking.

249 cases. Up 50 in a day.
34 of those with no history of travel.

Seems like this is community spread now. Primarily in NSW.


Ambulances waiting.

Similar here. Fully stocked on frozen and non-perishables. Today we went out for veggies and fresh protein.

I’m going to add one prepped meal to our freezer every couple of days, depending on my anxiety levels (see Cooking Good Food thread in ~30 minutes). In the short term, we’ll eat both fresh and frozen - again, depending on how we perceive the stability of the supply chain. It sounds fucking bananas reading that back to myself.

My wife and I used to 100% meal prep on Sundays, just microwaving dinner Sunday-Thursday as a convenient, fast solution for dinner. Now, we’re going to cook meals from scratch as an activity and stress reducer. Tonight we made Chana Masala and she was super happy.

I hope you all are healthy and safe.


Can someone tell me how to block the bot. I thought i did but I still see the post. I checked the FAQ and…whatever I’m just not techinal and I am doing this on a 3 year old Motorola

What is the weather like in NSW? (temps and humidity)

“Kung Flu”
“Wuhan virus”

They’re not subtle are they?..

We have two tents at our facility - theory is to screen and d/c the majority of patients showing up with nothing being needed, except we may do a Corona screen after a negative flu test and send them out and the health dept. follow up. Idea is to keep people to stay outside if possible.

And we have more ambulances parked in our lot pretty much every day of the week. So I wouldn’t necessarily know if that means anything.


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