Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What hospital is this?

Bad news: Crazy huge explosion in cases in the Czech Republic to 293 (55% increase). Number of cases has more than tripled in the last 4 days.

Good news: Two people have recovered, Zero deaths so far. Nearly 1,000 tests performed today. That’s more tests in one day than the first 11 days of testing combined.

Also, holy shit at 40-60 tests per state in America. If a country of 10M+ can test nearly 1,000 in a day, then America should easily be able to 20,000-30,000.

Has it been confirmed if the virus stays on food and can be transmitted orally?

Highs 21 to 30 c
Lows 16 to 19c

I’m sorry for not translating this into an archaic form that Americans can understand.

Raining 3 of 7 days coming up.


Casino trip report.

Played Saturday night, too. Traffic was down. Everyone at my table seemed to be the same as me in that we understood the risk of playing and we were choosing to play. Another player said out loud what I have been thinking about myself, that he’s only playing because there’s no one who depends on him and he’s not in a job where he is putting people at risk by interacting with a lot of them. Of course, I don’t play at the lowest stakes in my room, so my opponents tend to be smarter and more educated.

My view of one of the hardcore Republican regs in the room went up because he has been choosing to self-quarantine for two weeks after returning from Europe. If a degen who spends most of his free time on the weekends playing poker can be honest with himself and not use some BS excuse to justify playing poker, that’s a good thing.

I worry about my dealers. I don’t know if my asking how they are dealing with this is exacerbating any anxiety they may have. I worry about the guy who has to move out because his wife will be undergoing some sort of medical process that will leave her immunocompromised. I worry about the dealers who are single parents. I feel guilty about contributing to the traffic in the room when some of them clearly do not want to be there. I made a conscious choice that I wasn’t going to push things and prop tables up by playing four-handed so that they game could break and a dealer could go home.

Now, I have to sit through my typical Sunday recovery period. I usually feel a bit weak from playing hard for two days. Is the tickle in the back of my throat a symptom of the coronavirus this week? Or is it the same crumminess that I feel almost every week? I knew going in that I would feel this way. Knowing that I wasn’t going to be anxious about it afterwards was one reason I was willing to play. One of my advantages as a poker player is the lack of emotion about playing big pots, whether I win or lose. This is just another big pot where I think I got my money in good.

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I mean, is the school year done? Or are we on summer break right now and they’lll finish their current grades over the summer? I know we don’t actually know the answers to these questions.

I have no idea how I’m going to handle my business, am going to have some really tough conversations with my partners this week. We don’t have any employees, as far as I know, that won’t be completely fucked if they lose their job. But with no new work coming in we can’t pay them indefinitely without being fucked ourselves. Hell at some point we’ll be fucked regardless.

Is this two separate questions?

  1. Click the user (Trump) avatar to pop up the user card
  2. Click the bigger avatar on the card to get to the profile page
  3. Click the button with the little person on it that says “Normal” and choose “Ignored”
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Visited with my uncle this weekend who grows potatoes commercially. He said CostCo has approached him and other growers asking if they had any potatoes to sell (it’s way early) and they asked him not to gouge them (lol). No one has any ready yet.

Welp shit is getting really real. My friend was at a concert (not smart!) and the department of health shut it down because it was over 50 people.

Most school districts and Universities are preparing for the possibility to finish out the semester online. How this works for students that don’t have the resources needed to make this work? Who knows. Will the lessons be as effective? Almost certainly not, but it’s at least something.

Just talked to my doctor brother, panic level is way up from Wednesday. His hospital just had its first Corona death.

When I told him I sensed that he was much more worried after just a few days and asked what changed, he said nothing. It’s just that knowing something is coming w/ a relatively high degree of certainty does not prepare you for actually seeing that’s it’s starting to play out and that all the really f’in bad predictions are definitely going to happen.

Also, he disabused me of the notion that I shouldn’t be worried about getting it as a relatively young person, he was basically like a really f’in bad “flu” is really f’in bad to get even if it doesn’t kill you.

On a positive note, he thinks a vaccine is possible in as soon as 6 months. He was like throw out the 1+ year timeline when dealing w/ a global pandemic, you have the whole world working on it and all red tape is going to be slashed.

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Hmm well that doesn’t seem like good news.

Baltimore Maryland medical center

Update from my uncle who is a pulmonologist and chief of medicine at a CA hospital. He spoke with his county for 2 hours today helping them get plans in place. He told my family that it’s time to stay home and strictly isolate. It’s going to get bad in the near future and will last for a while.


Damn, thought I was gonna have to go into work for a bit in the morning.

Then, I remembered that I can take pictures of pages from the workbook instead of travelling to work to scan some pages and go home.

Hooray, necessity!

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Right now, JFK:


JFK is the second worst airport I’ve ever been to.

The worst: LaGuardia Airport

This shouldnt take long. One of you will know somebody who has it within the week.