Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Is the reason why Japan and Korea have 4x as many hospital beds because they don’t have nursing homes? Is a nursing home bed not considered a hospital bed?

China has also been segregating positives from family.

Well, practicing medicine without my stethoscope is a little chancy, but I’m comfortable saying " I dunno" I’d guess that a couple of kids your age without much PERSONAL risk seems pretty safe - but it sounds like you have a couple of much older people that are at obvious high risk, and if there is any chance of them being exposed to your possibly asymptomatic kids that would be…bad.

I’ve tried and been unable to get any sort of useful data on patients on NON-chronic steroid use, kids or otherwise. My best guess is that the risk is on the lower end - but I don’t know that I’d be happy about it, and in terms of risk/benefit - where’s the benefit. We’re not going to figure out all this stuff for at least a few months. Sorry, but I can point at Italy and think we’re totally screwed, or SK and feel better about things. For now, who knows?

(edit - I hadn’t seen either Coasterbrad’s or VictOrs responses but I saw nothing that I’d disagree with)

Best to you and your family,



Hospitals/public health monitor spikes in pneumonia and such. There were no spikes and no broad invisible spread a month ago, just standard flu/colds.

Yes, and then they invent science and technology and kill each other and go extinct, hence no visit from Starfleet.

This pandemic has taught me that Forrest Gump is a movie about an average American.

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Haven’t seen it posted, but looks like Wynn poker room closed until further notice.

“Shire of bastards” is my new favorite turn of phrase.


But they aren’t really using millions of dollars of medical care. Neither of them are intubated or anything. They are just in a hospital, being isolated. I don’t think being in a hospital is even good for them other than as a precaution and potentially exposes them to other pathogens.

Specifically what element(s) do you delete? I’ve messed around trying to do that before but haven’t been very successful.

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Children handle corona atypically well, even with some complicating factors.

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Can anyone here explain to me how to make leveraged stock trades? Here is what I want to do:

Create a limit for the amount of money I can lose, example $10,000.00

Then if the DJIA goes up/down 1% - I want to win/lose 25 times that amount. So if it goes up 4% I will lose 4 x 25% = 100% of my money. If it goes down 4% I earn 100% of my money.

Doesn’t everyone have a phone that reads O2 along with heart rate?

In Chrome goto View → Developer → Inspect Elements.

In the html you want to go to

html → body → div id=“app” → div

There are two elements in there. One is a container for the article and the other is the paywall.

The paywall is:

<div id="gateway-content" data-testid="dock-gateway" aria-live="assertive" class="css-n7r8pg" role="main">...</div>

So just delete that.

The container for the article is:

<div class="css-mcm29f">...</div>

You need to change the class otherwise you can’t scroll down. So just change it to:

<div class="">...</div>

That’s it. It might make more sense to make a plugin to do this but I’ve never tried that.


saw that. no reason why it should close and the pit shouldn’t. Other than of course it doesn’t make them any money

What app is that?

Tough but fair



Looks like Samsung Health to me

NH state epidemiologist holding a very informative press conference with the governor. All NH schools closed and moving to remote learning within 1 week for at least the following 3 weeks. Seems like that’s all they’re doing for now though.