Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I think “recovered” Is also probably a subset of the data. I.e. they get that for some people but probably aren’t reporting for most cases.

If I’m understanding you correctly, I disagree, I think. Way the majority of cases are still in China unless we’re completely fucked, which I think we’d know by know. I imagine asymptomatic, non-infectious survivors are being counted very carefully in China at the moment. And I see no reason for them to be conservative in releasing those figures. I’d say every single person who’s survived it and won’t give it to anyone else is being reported to hell and back.

Maybe. I’m not basing it on much.

Just that

  1. By the ratios, incubation time we know, plus the recoveries reported overseas, the number seems low.
  2. Reports suggest that the whole thing is pretty fractured and chaotic in Wuhan.

Easiest explanation is just that they arent tracking it that well.

Time will tell, I suppose.

They made a big deal the other day (Sat?) about 20 people recovered on same day. On the China news and all fist pumping when they were released back into the wild.


First death in Hong Kong today. A 39 year old man and according to reports he had an underlying illness and had travelled to Wuhan.

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This is wild. Some cyberpunk apocalyptic shit.


20,600 infected. I think this is the first time we haven’t seen this for a 3 day period. Might be premature based on one data point lol but hopefully it will start levelling out.

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Or the medical infrastructure in Wuhan has been overwhelmed and that’s broken reporting there.

The CCP is super super scared if they breathed a word about social stability. Really goes to show how despite all the reporting over here about their incredible level of control over their population it’s really all quite fragile.

I mean that kinda is incredible control. The ability to try and prevent people from panicking. imagine if this shit was happening in new york or LA? Assuming it gets to this stage.

Wall St. seems back to perpetual upward motion mode. And those guys are really smart. So I think we’re all gonna be ok.


This kind of dark humor is why I enjoy your posting. Never stop.

New case in Canada. Woman in her 50’s from BC had visitors from Wuhan. Hopefully they didn’t spread the virus to anyone else during their visit. :(

Thanks again for this. Worked like a charm last night. Got 11 consecutive hours. Some Suuuuuper fucked up dreams but that was likely more then fever than the medicine. Brole sometime late yeaterday at 103.7

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yeah that stuff is like a magic potion. Glad it helped!


The two new big hospitals will give a more accurate indication.

PSA: The latest This Podcast Will Kill You is on Coronaviruses. I’m just starting it so I can’t give a review, but if it’s anything like their others I’m sure it will be fascinating.

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Yikes. Hoping this is a typo of some sort.