Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yeah I stopped using it after the third attempt. It unfortunately didnt change anything

I’ve dealt with this and it’s horrible, I basically just ended up sleeping off and on all day, but one thing that helped was using cough drops while laying there trying to fall asleep with the mask on. I suppose it’s dangerous if you fall asleep before you finish the cough drop, so use at your own risk. Also I got like the super high strength cough drops by Vicks with like 20mg of Menthol.

This stuff right here works like a charm for me. Like, immediately stops my cough.

I use Night Nurse and I think the equivalent in USA is NyQuil and I use 1/2 a Cap full as it just knocks me out when I have a cold and as a smoker it helps me not cough all night…

Waking up to is great with the dry nose/throat and helps for the 1st couple hours of my day…

The increases in China recorded on the John Hopkins dashboard were only 100 between 2-Feb and 3-Feb.

Do we think this shows any real progress in containment? Or more likely that reporting is breaking down?

(I think the numbers have been updated in real time all along, and the date they receive the reports of new incidences is the date they record it. And since it’s now 4-Feb in China those 100 should be representative of 3-Feb.)

I wouldn’t expect to be able to reliably determine either of those just from that graph, not really the guy to ask, though.

My guess is just that Feb 3 hasn’t finished yet. I wouldn’t be comparing the current day to the previous for insights.

I was doing this. The paranoia of choking on the cough drop waant helping.

Got some gnarly diarheeah today because of all the menthol though

Thanks diver, ill check it out tonight

I think infections might well still be doubling roughly every 3 days.

Well it’s Feb 4th in China, so I assumed since they made entries for Feb 3 that was the complete data for new cases reported Feb 3.

I’ve read that they simply don’t have enough testing kits so the number of confirmed cases is under reported because of that.

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Never had that problem with it… As for the paranoia of choking, I tried to always be on my side angled forward a bit toward my stomach so that the cough drop would fall to the front of my mouth if I fell asleep, not back into my throat.

I think they might be just updating everything according to whatever timezone Johns Hopkins is working off. So right now with it being the 4th in China any reports that come in still get recorded on the 3rd. You can see on the time series spreadsheet they are using here that there isn’t a possibility to add anything for the 4th yet.

I could be missing something for sure and it should be pretty clear I guess in 6 hours or so I guess.

It’s difficult now to get a doctor to prescribe it, but the only cough medicine I found to be worth a damn when I had pneumonia was hydrocodone cough syrup. It’ll help you sleep too.

Try following this

About an hour ago they announced 2345 new cases and 64 new deaths in Hubei province.

Up to 19.843 cases and 426 deaths

That is the website the Reddit bot uses in it’s auto-update it produces every 6 hours in the Coronavirus subreddit

(NOTE that sub is an unhealthy mix of likely overblown panic and folks apathetic to the whole thing, with far too many unsubstantiated rumors)


The John Hopkins dashboard just got updated with those same numbers.

I see killed:recovered is holding steady at 2:3 for now, not sure how much that means when it’s 5% of the likely lowballed total infected, but still taking comfort from it.

Yes but the the total recovered number is very low compared to the total cases even for the cases outside of China. I’m not sure what we can learn for that number yet. Maybe just not enough time yet to get an accurate number.

For February 3rd outside of China there were 1 new case in Germany, 2 in USA, 1 in Vietnam, and 1 in India. Still only the one death outside of China which I think is relatively good news Also only 2 of the cases outside of China are critical. However only 11 of the total cases outside of China are listed as recovered.

I’m assuming it just takes time to recover and that there’s like several thousand who are clearly more or less out of the woods but still symptomatic and/or contagious and so can’t really be called ‘recovered’ yet.