Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Also, someone suggested checking Asian supermarkets. Racist people are avoiding them and they seem to have a lot of staples in stock.

I might have to make a run down to Convoy St. tomorrow to see what’s what.

Going to check the Mexican groceries up here for now. I usually only go there for produce because it’s fresh and cheap, but I’ll put my minor in Spanish to good use to try to buy dry goods, too.


Maybe it’s wrong but I lol’d.

I mean it’s genius. “If you think this incredibly infectious and dangerous disease, come to a Target parking lot to get a free test… and while you’re there, have you stocked up on toilet paper?”

In a fkn hospital? Are you kidding me? Two wards are now locked down. Not to mention all the nurses and doctors that might have had contact. This is how you shut down a hospital.

I’ve been assured repeatedly that this is not only impossible, but that there’s no way they’d even try it.


Anecdotally, in LA it is the white people who have freaked out, and stores in more diverse areas still have a bunch of stuff. I stopped at one in Koreatown on my way to work this AM got the last few things on my list.

I don’t think I’ve hoarded, but my family is prepared to hunker down for a bit.

Schools also providing free meals for all students. Can pickup lunch+next day’s breakfast from 12-1 each day via drive-thru at one of 2 schools. Helpful for lower income students as long as their parents can go there during that time window.



Try hoping for them to be able to afford to take time off work. Like people are working sick maliciously, come on.


Haha no, I meant it to be a little funny.

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In general, vitamins keep your immune system functioning properly. Not boosted the way snake oil salesman describe it, but functioning properly. The USRDA are well below toxicity levels for the toxic ones, and the USRDA for non-toxic is basically a minimum.

Pop a centrum, it’s a trivially easy thing to do to cover that base.


“It’s a big scam over nothing! Everyone needs to turn off the TV for two days! They’re crashing the markets. What’s the point of that!?” - boomer in front of me at the grocer.


Try the checker using kleenex or hand sanitizer instead of rubbing his nose on his sleeve. Even better, let the checker stock or do something else that doesn’t expose customers to snot. I’d cheerfully hope for him to be able to take off work, and fully agree that his employer should be made to do so.


Probably 5 or 5:30 to stand in line.

I think this is very true. Nature abhors a vacuum and the total absence of Federal leadership just means that other levels of government have to step in.

Tinned veggies are gross. Except tomatoes.

Buy tinned fruit.

When do grocery stores typically re-stock items (asking for a friend)?

At wal mart now, just passed a lady with a surgical mask on with about 20 two liters of Dr Thunder in her cart


Can someone walk me through the “Panicked enough to spend 4 hours of Mad Max hell at Costco. But not panicked enough to pay retail.” phenomena?

Yes I know some people are poor. But I bet 80% of them are relatively well off suburbanites like usual at Costco.


They’re not reading this thread. Maybe they think everywhere is MadMax?