Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I don’t even know what this means, I assume it’s bad, but I for one would appreciate market updates be contained to the Personal Finance thread. Some of us are trying to avoid hour-by-hour stock market updates.

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same for tax accountants. Dreaming of the summer soon.

Just got a mail saying that our daycare will be continuing to charge us during the shutdown at least until they get a response from the French government about the aid to businesses. I think I support it as I know from speaking with the staff that they are usually in fairly precarious situations and I would hope the French government help out.

I don’t know how I’d feel if I had no choice but to find and pay for an alternative solution to keep my job, though. Luckily I think I & my wife will be able to work from home part time, and we can probably afford a few months of extra child care costs anyway. I imagine, though, that a lot of people in our situation (in private but state-subsidised childcare) just got a real problem dumped on them.

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Don’t listen to idiots like this:

Or even idiots like this:



That tweet made me realize that people are going to fucking die trying to live on just rice and beans or just pasta or just some single food they stocked up on having no idea what they’re doing, because the concept of nutrients is just abstract.

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‘eat your veggies’ jesus fucking christ

Chips ^ are vegetables too.

^ Fries in your lingo


I mean basically everything a tourist would want to see is closed or severely restricted.

Anyway, it’s a good sign to see the number of new cases decrease despite the amount of tests given increasing. More tests have been given in the last 2 days than from February 28th - March 9th.

It’s clear that these measures are working.

DC public schools will be closing for 2 weeks.

China shut down Chongqing (pop. 30M) once 10 people tested positive. I doubt they’re going to have a whole lot of herd immunity there.

Well, I was thinking about that when I posted it. Clearly public schools are “government”, but the more local the better and at least around here, this is a school by school or district by district decision. And a lot of large gatherings are organized by some government or quasi-government thing. Parades and such. But, by and large, this is being regulated by those closest to the decisions - something that I think is best and most practical as well.

Maybe ponied, but this interview really drove home the scope of mobilization China put in to try to slow this thing down. (Tl/dr: “quarantine” d/n necessarily mean what we may think it means)

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There’s going to be a lot of odd fallout from this. People are largely creatures of habit. When you disrupt one habit and force them to change, it’s hard to go back. It’s hard to undo learned behaviors. We’re going to see a lot of social science papers published in the next couple years that we wouldn’t otherwise have gotten.

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Grunching and crossposting from 22,

People should start to color code their clothing in public.
All white for recovered. Red for quarantine or danger. Blue for at risk or vulnerable population.

I think biggest lock is a temporary spike in teenage pregnancy rates when schools close while parents still go to work, possibly followed by sharp drop when the parents have to stay home too…


Interesting. If employers are to continue to pay all their employees, should consumers continue to pay for services? @Trolly, just send your spicy chicken sandwich money to Dave.

yellow for crips and purple for bloods?

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FYP to keep the eye on the most important thing: how travel stocks are going to recover

Sure. When did forcing people to wear distinctive clothing that marked them out as others ever go wrong?


Daytona’s local paper posted a write-up about how the last weekend of bike week (this weekend) should be canceled because it is precisely the kind of gathering people should be trying to avoid. The predictable hurr durr from my cold dead carburetor responses followed in droves. I posted my support for keeping it going because that herd has needed thinning for a long time now, and humbly requested they take a ride through the Villages as well. Long story short I can’t post there anymore. People are such snowflakes.


Or we could launch a strike against their military. I wonder which we’ll do.

Narrator: They’d already done the strike.