Coronavirus (COVID-19)

That’s a long derail and there are a lot of problems with it. It’s one of those rhetorical things where you act like my position is all or nothing when you are basically implying yourself that it’s all or nothing. But, it’s just not true that all of society’s problems require the same balance of government force vs freedom.

I mean almost all of the events/schools/trips/crowds being canceled are because state and local government compelled it. The fact that the federal government is so inept that the states had to step in isn’t really an argument that this is individuals stepping up on their own.

I guess the sports leagues and private colleges are the best examples of what you’re talking about.

I changed my mind, why are we even talking about politics on a coronavirus forum?


All SPFL fixtures cancelled - including Rangers vs Celtic :mask:

Sunday’s derby between Rangers and Celtic has been postponed as the SPFL finally cancels this weekend’s slate of fixtures.

All four leagues under SPFL jurisdiction have been shut down with immediate effect, including tonight’s Premiership clash between Motherwell and Aberdeen.

The Joint Response Group said in a statement: “The Joint Response Group can confirm the decision of the Scottish FA Board to suspend ALL domestic professional and grassroots football under the jurisdiction of the Scottish FA until further notice.

Rangers vs Celtic POSTPONED as SPFL declares fixtures suspended amid coronavirus chaos:dizzy_face:

85 patients have now been diagnosed with Coronavirus in Scotland - after 25 new cases were confirmed today.

The Scottish Government revealed the new cases this afternoon, just hours after the Scottish FA cancelled all domestic professional and grassroots football until further notice.

A total of 3, 314 tests have been concluded in Scotland with 3,229 negative.

The infected patients are from the following NHS health boards;

Ayrshire and Arran - 4

Borders - 3

Fife - 4

Forth Valley - 6

Grampian - 11

Greater Glasgow and Clyde - 21

Lanarkshire - 7

Lothian - 20

Shetland - 6

Tayside - 3

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Wow. Starting Monday:

-non-Czechs are barred from entering the country
-Czechs and residents are barred from leaving the country

6 new infections as of 3 pm. But again the trend is to name a small number of cases and enact new restrictions before announcing way more new cases

Yeah they’re sending my client home immediately, worried that if she doesn’t leave Prague now she’ll get stuck there.


Your client can leave unless she’s a resident of the country. They’re not gonna lock foreigners in their country. If anything, they’d rather have them leave.

Holy shit. Bolsanaro has coronavirus lol


Your pony has coronavirus

OK I think we might be overdoing it with the ponies

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Why? Can they get the Corona too?

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I wouldn’t mind being stuck in Prague right now.

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Not much to do. Talking about closing malls soon.

Better than America though

Anyone feeling a little better about the situation now that actions are actually being taken? I know WAAF, but at least people are now taking this serious.


Given that two of four people in that Make Brazil Great Again picture have coronavirus and Trump’s appearance during his speech, he probably has coronavirus.

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Well if I can’t cruise Czech high school girls at the mall then forget it.

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I do a little bit. Hopefully it helps to flatten the peak and ease the panic. I still wonder what the heck happens after 2 weeks (or longer) of lockdown, a flattening of the curve and lowering of new cases, and then lockdown gets lifted? I don’t see how we don’t end up right back where we are, but I’m no expert.

I’m actually starting to feel better, particularly this hypothesis about how the Spanish Flu got so bad made me feel like Corona will be bad but we are not all fucked:

New research suggests this strain was essentially created in the trenches of World War I as soldiers with mild strains of the virus were left in the trenches and those with severe illness were sent home. As they made the trip back home, they would infect those who came in contact with them, due to the highly contagious nature of the disease.

This newer and deadlier form of the virus wasn’t something new but rather a mutation. Those who recovered from the first strain of the virus in early 1918 were immune to this second strain. But still, thousands died throughout the world.

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Market starting to drill