Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Sounds like little to no republican support for what they are working on.

Also, many people are thought to die each year from seasonal flu that’s attributed to other causes (eg pneumonia).

I won’t be taking it. I’m actually surprised the poll got even as close as it did, I was expecting 95% nos. My cough remains mild, I still have no fever, my blood 02 is good, and I’m now 4 days removed from my last slight exposure to other people and today is day six since I played poker last. I’m extremely unlikely to have COVID-19, and my odds of having it tomorrow definitely would go up a lot if I went to get tested and made contact with medical workers making contact with lots of sick people. Plus I’d potentially take resources away from sicker people at more risk.

Thanks for the responses everyone! Wanted to make sure there wasn’t a stronger reason to get tested or a bunch of people telling me I was crazy not to.


All hail anti-smoking propaganda campaigns. (Dead serious - that shit works)

It’s nice that we decided to let our tobacco companies still run wild everywhere else in the world though.

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Yeah that’s true, but I think they’re able to adjust for that with a reasonable expectation of accuracy.

Ah yes, the genius who found a trade adviser by searching Amazon is now crowdsourcing a medical response to a pandemic.


I want to point out to the statists and tankies that schools are closing, events are shutting down, sports leagues are cancelling playoffs, people are working from home, people are buying up and presumably using all the hand sanitizer on Earth, people are cancelling trips and staying away from crowds and almost all of this IS HAPPENING WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT COMPELLING IT!!! This is not a case study showing we need more control and less freedom. If anything, let people know that it is their responsibility to protect themselves and their neighbors.


That’s kinda funny. I went to two grocery stores in NYC yesterday, and both were pretty well stocked aside from disinfectant and hand sanitizer.

Maybe I am misreading something, but hard to see how it’s not an endorsement of China’s response to coronavirus. South Korea is not a totalitarian regime.

Even you’re giving jman too much credit. He was opining on the advantage North Korea has because they can just kill everyone who is infected.

So, all roads lead here, a pandemic, with us finally having the quasi-statist/left-authoritarian v left-libertarian debate…


It all had to happen, and too late, because the government didn’t compel it in the first place.

En garde.


I’ve learned some interesting and unexpected things about some of my fellow Unstuckers during this virus outbreak.

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That’s been me for the last few months and really like half my programming career - punctuating by crunch times in-between.


Now do climate change.


That’s the nature of being a Dev really. Spend half your allotted time fucking around then work the remaining half in an exciting frenzy to meet the deadline.

Your actual numbers may differ

What a selfish ahole you are. I want knowledge and entertainment. You should do it for me.

When my buddy went through his divorce he followed my strict instruction to make life decisions based on the best story for Monday lunch. First time he took a girl home his to be ex walked in on them in the morning (he was keeping the house she was picking up some things). Hence forward I started rating the stories on a shotgun blast index (how likely he was to die of a shotgun blast).

So get tested if it’s no, then get infected, then get tested again and give us a first hand account preferably with needing a respirator. Dying would take it too far though. Gotta draw the line somewhere

;) Be well. Good decision.


Just left my doctor from a routine visit. Healthiest I have been in a while.

His last words to me were “Stay away from corona”


Maybe I am too, and microbet seems to think we’re both off.

Following this thread too closely does more to increase my anxiety than anything else.

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I’m super happy I set up my home gym right before this got bad, and it wasn’t a coincidence - it was something I had been planning to do around that time anyway, but I pushed it forward a week or so. I’ve got a half squat rack, bench and mats for the floor to do deadlifts with no risk of damaging the floor.

Part of the cuserounder survival plan includes losing weight during my preventative self-quarantine so that when we pass peak and I venture back out into the world, my comorbidities will be slightly less bad!

Plus, the most important part really is that it’s important just for mind state to get some exercise even if you’re staying inside 99% of the time. I do have a nice little terrace I can go out on for fresh air, as well, and nobody else currently has access (it’s shared with one other apartment that’s empty).

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