Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Good luck man. That sucks but seems like you have thought things through.

Is there anyone who can share the driving with you? A friend? Work colleague?

Your risk of an accident on 17 hours of driving back to back days is not negligible.

Yes. There are different types of flu.

It’s rare, but there are some cases where people have two strains of flu at the same time. I assume a flu/corona double team is possible.

While this is true, it doesn’t help much to isolate yourself on an individual level. You need coordinated action on this. It’s like those people who are like “hey if you like the government why don’t you just personally give more money to it?”. For the same reason, I don’t think your argument of “hey I brought my kids home, now schools are closing, I was right” is necessarily a good one. That it’s a good idea on a community level to ban mass gatherings doesn’t necessarily mean that it follows that self-isolating was a good idea.

I think we have different priors about what the thing to be avoided is here though. The prospect of individually contracting COVID-19 worries me a lot less than what the societal effects are going to be. Like I think the EV of isolating myself completely, in terms of how much overall COVID-19 pain I avoid on average, is pretty low. That said, there are degrees of this. I certainly don’t think you’re silly for staying home from work if you can avoid going there.

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I’m not isolating myself - I can’t - but I’m being pretty damn careful about not contaminating things with my hands, washing/sanitizing, wiping down anything anyone touches (or throwing it away). It’s not really that hard and it seems like lots of other people around are doing the same.


Solve one problem at a time. Right now is to protect the vulnerable through social isolation. Guess what, old people need and compromised people need a lot of help. That help can’t get sick. It takes all of society to protect them.

Cutting down cases cuts down the health system load. You want to die of something else because the health system completely breaks down? Plus drawing it out buys times for treatments and eventual vaccine. If it is seasonal and we do nothing we just scarified a million people that slowing it down could save.

Lastly and I cannot stress this enough. Mutation is a numbers game. The more cases the more likely this thing mutates. It can become more or less bad. Awful risky spin of the roulette wheel. If it can’t spread even the nastiest mutations are likely to die out before gaining a foothold.

Anything else is just fancy play syndrome.

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If I wait a day, I can get someone to share driving, but a day seems pretty valuable at this stage of the game.

The entire audience for Jimmy Kimmel tonight was ~25 people. They made us sit six feet apart. We weren’t gonna get in at all but they took pity on us standing in the rain.


One of the first collections of vulnerable people who will be hit hard by the outbreak: sex workers.



Regarding the Trudeau non-testing situation, someone told me that there are two types of tests for Covid. One tests for the presence of the virus itself. The other tests for the presence of Covid-fighting antibodies. Allegedly the second test would rarely produce a positive result if the person were asymptomatic.

Of course, this could all be nonsense.

Welp I resisted discount cruises and flights but all caution is likely going to the wind now.


Driving 34 hours in 2 days seems pretty dangerous too.


He’s down by like 30 delegates

Maybe this scare makes people vote for m4a

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the real story here is all the people that didn’t die


@skydiver8 just saw you aggressively clapping as they went to commercial. Glad you got to stay for the show. Pete needs to work on his delivery though. Way too stiff.


If they are just at home not going out, then I don’t think it makes a difference.

You have the better info. But a big vote for waiting a day and sharing the driving.

Best description of Trump I’ve ever read.


The shortcoming of my plan to stock up for a couple weeks a couple weeks ago is that now I’m in the teeth of it and needing to restock