Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I got CoronaTrump.

Trump Virus is too generic imo

Haven’t quite progressed to camping at buffets for multiple meals, but it’s tempting.

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Note that this does not say that people are more contagious while they are asymptomatic, it says they infect more people. This seems like a critical distinction. If you’re coughing/sneezing/clearly sick you’re more likely to avoid other people, and other people are more likely to avoid you. If you’re asymptomatic, you’re more likely to be handling business as usual.

So based on this info, I think it’s probably likely (obviously we’re making educated guesses here) that people who are asymptomatic are less contagious to others around them, but infect more people because there are more people in close proximity to them.

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So 120,000 infected in Ohio alone? And the official number is, 5?

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My wife and I might have given each other coronavirus today…IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Hey, if one of us has it, the other is almost certainly going to get it, so whatevs!


Gross. No one wants to think about married people having sex.


I’ve been social distancing myself from my GF for a week. She is not happy.

I’m a hot television and movie star, though.


But your wife isn’t.


I’ve told my wife that if one of us gets it we’re moving to separate bedrooms and completely avoiding each other for two weeks. We can FaceTime from across the hall if need be.

What’s good for Trump’s taxes is good for Corona

And yet perhaps thus the most appropriate

Good point. Activities that actually require crowd contact gonna get hit hard.

A lot of exotic dancers will be using the time off to finish that law degree.

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Well we’re assuming that Harvard Law doesn’t close its doors

Not with each other anyway

What kind of quarantine procedures would you have beyond that? I just sort of assume that if me or mine gets it, the other will, too. Airborne transmission alone even if being hypervigilant about disinfecting surfaces.

Did they ever resume the briefing to congress today after it got stopped yesterday?

They were all taking online courses anyway

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Also lol’d

California: No gatherings of more than 250 people, effective immediately

Also California: This does not apply to Disneyland

Jesus Christ


Hop boy local sports honks. You think their sports takes are bad, and then there have no sports to discuss and you really discover just how hot the takes can get.