Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Howie Mandel confirmed visionary genius ahead of his time.


I plan on eating at restaurants until they close. At one right now.


Same. I figure I might as well enjoy decent food until I’m living out of my pantry.


Get some venison while you’re at it, why not?


Yes, absolutely, the only thing he believes in is economic norms. That and trying to appear like a firm but benevolent overlord.

How about now?


Some of these restrictions going in that are so extreme make me think that something is going on behind the scenes. I think there’s a very real chance that Fauci, et al are back channeling to governors and mayors the things they can’t say/do because of the Trump administration.

If so, thank goodness for the deep state!

I’m still flabbergasted that fucking congress members were shocked to learn we’d only done 11k tests.

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Philly Inquirer deleted the tweet. Rumor it’s not six months. Six weeks maybe?

It doesn’t matter. No one has any idea how long these things will need to last.

Not yet. What 911 lacks in terms of numbers it more than makes up for with dramatic imagery and xenophobia.

Oh I know it’s not nearly there yet, just we’re drawing live.


Petition the Washington Generals to just start calling it Trump Virus


Very true. Six months would cause panic and backlash, I think. I think saying like 4-6 weeks, then re-evaluate is probably best.


edit: oops sorry didn’t see your follow-up

Party got cancelled. My wife said they invited as many as 100 people (it’s the birthday girl’s 50th). I figured if it was just a few of us, we could hang somewhere else, but shit, a fuckton of people at a bowling alley? Good idea to cancel.

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Philadelphia Inquirer, but they deleted the tweet and updated the website to remove the length of time.

Good night, sweet prince

Miami was going to do the same thing, but then they realized that’s been in effect for the Marlins for years.

You’re going to eat for that long? I usually leave when I finish my one meal.