Coronavirus (COVID-19)

cept for the 80% of cases with only mild symptoms

Sure, the observation is a trend not a hard and fast rule that predicts universal panic about any new risk.

Flew into LA from Chicago today. Lots of people with masks on in the plane but half of them took them off for periods and were rubbing their face anyway lol

(fake but made me smile anyway)


i had a sore throat yesterday and i kinda shrugged it off because i’ve been smoking a lot because it’s vacation, but today i woke up and it was pretty painful to the point where i’m sure it’s not from smoking. i don’t have a fever though and i otherwise feel normal. but i am sneezing and coughing too, so i didn’t go in to work today even though the research labs are continuing as normal.

overall i’m not worried because i made a bunch of brownies and canna oil last weekend, so even if i have to stop smoking i can still stay high for the whole vacation. plus weed is basically medicine now, so i know i’m doing the right thing


I agree that newness/unknown increases the odds of panicking, but in this case we’ve underreacted if anything, given we are just now starting social distancing and 40% of the country is just now realizing (well, some % of them; a good % of these are still not) that this is serious.

This virus calls for more panic than Ebola or car crashes.

I had this yesterday and the day before. Hope it was corona.

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Amazing how many things can happen in a crisis. Shutting down large gatherings, waiving copays, etc. A good reminder that if Bernie had been the nominee he could have done a lot even without the Senate/House.


If people w/o symptoms can still show up positive on tests - this could explain how S. Korea is being so effective. They’re catching some people before they even get symptoms and stopping them from spreading it.

God fucking dammit we need testing and leadership right now.


Yep, that makes sense.

Yeah we could have been testing 10k people/day and greatly reduced the spread and eventual death count in the US.

It would have been less disruptive to the economy as well and the DOW would be above 24k right now if he had pushed for testing, testing and more testing.

Sounds like strep throat to me.

yeah it feels like it. i’m just gonna drink a bunch of tea i think

How in the fuck have we known this for weeks and they’re just now finding out?

Who apparently could be the most contagious. Which would completely explain why aggressive testing countries are doing so much better.



I get the stuff discount (55) when the age is 60 because everyone buying tickets is obviously way over the limit. $1.75 savings!

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And people would love Trump for being so decisive. He’d win in a landslide.

Instead since the MSM said it was a big deal - the right-wing had to go to opposite way and pretend it’s a hoax. It’s the MSM’s fault!