Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Czech Republic’s mobilized student doctors and nurses in some parts of the country. Not sure about Prague though.

With all these travel shutdowns, large gatherings banned, now finding out the virus can survive in the air. Feels like someone is playing a game of Plague Inc and we’re the world. What mutations will come next?

President Trump Participates in a Meeting with the Prime Minister of Ireland

check out his timeline for a bunch of wild quotes

All of FL’s colleges have gone online. Almost all the schools are doing so after spring break. Mass gatherings left and right are being shuttered.



He’s getting fired

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That’s as sure a sign as any March Madness is getting cancelled, can you imagine a tournament without DOOK

And what I’m saying is that you are way underestimating how bad this is; you said car accidents are orders of magnitude worse when they are actually likely an order of magnitude better.

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Yeah wouldn’t it be amazing?

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This is what I’m getting at with wanting addressed before/with M4A and I still haven’t seen any plan on that yet.

Anyway, that lives in air forever thing, dear god
can we get something positive other they think dogs don’t spread it for once soon please.

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Ok, acknowledged. Thanks. The key part of my point was not to debate the expected number of coronavirus deaths vs. any other cause of death but to point out that there are many high risk activities that we regularly engage in that do not trigger such panic because we have gotten used to them and adjusted our mental calculus to discount the risks. For new risks we are faced with the stark reality of them and it generates a fight or flight panic response, which is not based on the rationally determined relative risk size, but simply on the “newness” of it.

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I hope delusions. Or are we already there?

i hope ruth bader ginsburg is in a bunker inside a mountain rn


just about sums this up


Duke went like 10-20 one year Coach K was hurt.

Philadelphia to make an announcement at 4pm, “including safety and health protocols and new guidance for residents.”

90% of the people I talk to are not at all worried about this, and in fact are talking about cheap vacations and it being safer than the flu.

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Yeah but swine flu and ebola were new too and didn’t prompt anything like this. This shit has real consequences.

Stop confusing the American. It’s soccer Microbet.


China is sending doctors to Italy with blood plasma from recovered patients to help them. We should be begging them to do the same for us in a couple of weeks when we need it. Instead, Republicans are all-in on the Wuhan China Virus and we’ll make them pay!

You don’t know that. Even the worst group based on data we’ve seen (80+, 2 or more comorbidities), off the top of my head, would have around a 55% chance of surviving. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be very concerned, as you seem to be. I’m saying hopefully she doesn’t get it, but if she does, she definitely could win this. Hang in there!