Coronavirus (COVID-19)

speaking of which, NASCAR will be doing races without fans

A little less than 40k car crash deaths in the US each year

We will have >10x that number from corona in the US this year according to American Hospital Association.

Not comparable at all.

basically dunking on trump by just going over some common sense pandemic policies

Gee, I wonder who handed Trump that hat? Man, I sure hope it wasn’t the guy who tested positive.

So, Biden is both campaigning against Trump and replacing the NBA?

Czechs refuse entry to citizens of 15 countries

Rob Cameron

BBC Prague Correspondent

Czechs famously like to appear stoical in the face of adversity, but the state of emergency declared by the government on Thursday afternoon is draconian in the extreme.

To limit the spread of Covid-19, the existing school closures and bans on public events attended by over 100 people have been ramped up. Now all events attended by over 30 people have been banned, but more critically - all bars, restaurants and pubs must now close from 20:00 to 06:00 local time.

For a country with the highest per capita beer consumption in the world, this represents an unprecedented interruption of normality.

To further prevent the spread of Coronavirus from abroad, citizens of 15 countries - China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Denmark and France - will be refused entry from midnight on Friday.

The Czech Republic is heavily reliant on foreign tourism – this will effectively suspend tourism overnight.

Those citizens with permanent or long-term residence in the Czech Republic will be allowed back in. However, a ban on Czech citizens visiting those 15 “at risk” countries will also apply to foreigners with long-term residence - meaning those who live here will now effectively be prevented from visiting their home countries for 30 days.

US added to that list in 24 hrs IMO.

Weren’t you off to Barca soon?

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You should respond that the fatality rate is somewhere between .5-2%, so she doesn’t need to worry because it won’t kill us all.

Meanwhile, in America… McConnell trashing Pelosi’s proposals.

Listen here, fat corona, you lying dog-faced pony virus. I’ll tell you what the deal is, the deal is this: you’re going to go to your room and listen to the record player, do you hear me? You need to hear words, at least 4 million more of them. If you don’t like it, maybe you should vote for Trump!


Still more coherent than Trump’s statement last night.

Because we refuse to use WHO tests like the rest of the world because they aren’t good enough for USA#1

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My guess is that they’re going to attempt to find a way to have the tournament, anyway. If I were them I’d be looking at pushing it to start in late April, and see if it was possible to test every player, coach and essential staff member by then, positive tests can’t be there. No fans whatsoever, not even family. I’d be looking to have the entire tournament on a condensed schedule, in one city, in 3-4 different arenas/gyms. I’d be looking to rent out an entire hotel right next to the arenas, and have all the staff tested in advance, too. Play the first four days games, then take one day off and start playing the Sweet 16 and Elite 8. Take one day off, Final Four.

The whole thing would take 13 days. It’s conceivable IF there are enough tests by then that they can buy that many without keeping them away from patients who need them. The TV rights alone are worth about a billion a year, and basketball and football subsidize the other sports for all the schools. They’re going to do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid a full cancellation.

The other option would be to say, “Sorry, only 16 teams this year,” and go from there. Then use the same concept. Play the Sweet 16 over two days, take a day off, play the Elite 8 in one day, day off, Final Four, day off, championship game. Eight days total.

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i’d use my one time on him.


Gatherings over 500 banned in all of New York State

Broadway theaters must reduce capacity by 50% starting tonight

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, population 828K is going into a partial lockdown basically. I guess not mandated, at least not all of it, but encouraged. This is the county that had, I believe, 10 positive tests as of yesterday (Edited to add: 13 today). It’s about nine miles from me.

Great job by them to get ahead of this a bit relative to other places.

Narrator: But they didn’t do it

Cuomo now talking about making sure there is enough hospital capacity by potentially cancelling elective surgeries and increasing supply of health care workers (e.g., former doctors and nurses, med students, etc.)

a commitment from a high-level Trump official

lol just say ‘a bag of magic beans’ ffs.


I’m not familiar with the AHA projection, and I am doubtful that has much to do with public sentiment. What I was getting at is that anything that is new and scary will feel disproportionately dangerous to most people.