Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How would anyone know if the Senate is on break, they don’t fucking do anything.


Abolish the fucking Senate


If they want to die on this hill they can die there. This is the Alamo lol.

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Czech Republic breaks the century mark. 109 cases with 50 of them in Prague.

Unless there’s another update tonight, I’m pretty surprised that it isn’t higher. Yesterday had 31 new cases, the day before that 25. Today just 15 (so far). And that’s despite conducting more CV tests today than the last 3 days combined.

They’re increasing testing capacity at hospitals in Prague by opening up more outdoor tents. It’s clear that Prague is the major problem spot since it’s now community-spread while in the rest of the country it isn’t.

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<— Fellow Leeds fan

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Important self-quarantine resource (owner of one of the best bars in DC)


Too soon?


too soon? its too late.

yeah we probably need more than one coronavirus thread

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Making bad faith abortion arguments to stall a relief bill, knowing all the while its going nowhere because they’re leaving for vacation? Sounds like a party we can and should work with!


Fucking Allan Clarke.

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Boris Johnson, Prime Minister and public health officials UK press conference now.

Estimate that 590 positive tests, from 25,000 tests, and 10 deaths in UK really equals 10,000 currently infected.

What does that equate to on the basis of US deaths? 4.8 multiplier ~100,000 curently infected?

Says UK 4 weeks behind Italy

If anyone has elderly/immunocompromised family or friends too far away to help yourself, use Instacart or something to order for them and have it delivered.

Just in case anyone is in this spot and hadn’t thought of that.


Czech Republic will have 60,000 respirators available tomorrow and 290,000 by the end of next week. They also imported a test from China that can detect the virus in 29 minutes. Says that they’ll be giving them at the border (I assume the tents as well).

Out of the 109 infected, only 2 have symptoms that warrant hospitalization (both elderly). Two others have to stay hospitalized as they’re tourists without a permanent home in the country to be isolated in. No deaths, but no recoveries either.


Ah, an Arsenal fan?

Before my time. Billy Bremner was manager when I first started going.

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The test thing is weird. The Cleveland Clinic is touting a break through of testing in 8 hours instead of 3 days, but in Asia, 10 minute tests have been around for a bit. It doesn’t make any sense to me why the US tests are so much slower.

You can - it’s called Canada.


The only reason they’re doing this is that Bernie’s supporters are mean online. Shame on Bernie!

Well, then it’s a good thing Trump included the UK in his…what’s that? He didn’t? Because he’s got properties there? Well, shit.

Exactly; almost fully made in China but just enough done here at the end to slap a “Made in the US” label on it