Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Joke here in Philly is that Nelson Agahlor and Alston Jeffries are going to be volunteering around the city because they can’t catch anything.


They’re going on recess?!

Deeply concerned Senate.

Talked to my 70+ parents today. Strangely enough they seem to be killing it. Two weeks of food, extra months worth of rx. My mom is refusing to give up her twice weekly trips to the movies though :grimacing:


I use to be involved in making precursors. It all went to China

Jesus what a complete shitshow this country is.


Was able to get out of next week’s faculty meetings.

Nice to not sit with 60+ people in a room. Gonna try and keep calm in my flat.

That said, I am really confused by my downstairs neighbor who I just met for the first time giving me a dehumidifer for my landlord to pick up.

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I understand exponential growth and I’ve seen the transmission formulas - I’ve even built a spreadsheet that shows how infections and deaths will increse over time under different assumptions. That being said, it’s still wild to me at a gut level that the world is going absolutely crazy over a disease that’s killed less than 5,000 people worldwide so far.

I have some sympathy for the people who are shocked that everything is shutting down when the reported U.S. death count is still under 40. I don’t agree with them, but I can understand why they’d feel that way.

You guys on ancestry or 23 and me?

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Seems there’s a fair amount of COVID in North Korea now. Kim Jong Un was shown in a picture with a bunch of people wearing masks and he wasn’t. That’s because he’s a god-king and invulnerable. I think that answers the earlier question about whether Trump has been tested.


Those 11am showings of movies for 70 year olds are practically private screenings.


There is some failure in logic that occurs with things like this. I mean the reason it’s only at 5,000 is because people are wild about stopping it in the first place. If people weren’t that way, there’d be way more death and people would be going, “Hey, why didn’t you take more action to stop this?! So many people died!”


So what happens after a country goes into quarantine for 2, 4, 6 weeks, and flattens the peak, and slows the rate of additional infections. Then what? Slowly life goes back to normal and the rate of infections picks up again? Or does that give enough time for the virus to die on surfaces that aren’t being touched because everyone’s in quarantine?

Are there any lessons learned in China or elsewhere yet?

Until March 23.

What harm could an extra 11 days do?

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The other reason it’s only at 5000 is because it’s a fake number and likely at least 2 to 4 times that already. (Tons in Iran, but likely uncounted dead in many countries including the US.)


If it’s past the peak, then I guess the rate of additional infections slows, but it slows down less quickly than it would with a fast peak, so the period in which we have to take precautions is longer.

Has anyone come up with a projection for when the peak might be? It feels like we’re just waiting for countries ahead of us on the curve to peak so that we have an idea of what to expect.

Did McConnell look at a map and decide that if Senators start dying due to coronavirus, they will disproportionately be Democrats?

This is true, but I think the overall level of panic is more emotional than rational. People really don’t respond well to things that feel a) different and b) totally outside of their control. A huge part of staying sane is maintaining fictions that a great many things are under your control when in fact they are not. When a new thing comes along that requires an assessment of the degree of control, all bets are off. That’s why people will panic about something that is new and kills a few hundred people but do not live in a constant state of panic about dying in a car accident, which is orders of magnitude more likely


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looooool Cocaine Mitch takes an 11-day break, gjge, America.

They are not ever turning on Trump imo. This is the hill they all will die on.

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