Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It seems tho that a lot of that manufacturing is just adding the spoonful of sugar to make the chinese manufactured medicine go down.

The China talk is 100% to keep the deplorable base placated. When they’ve got nothing else they just mash the racism button as hard as they can.

Having said that, there should be some international pressure to shut down these open-air animal markets.

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Ima cut u

Wow, those are the exact ages/location of my parents. Get out of my life!

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Economically that’s winning when you import raw materials and manufacture valuable products from them.

Tom Cotton and the like are morons, and production of stuff from China will suffer from their problems with COVID, but not every single thing is an existential crisis.

The trip to Orlando I mentioned Monday which I decided against was to see the Fire Saturday.

Wife just informed me that our schools are shutting down starting tomorrow (Fairfield, CT)

[quote=“Devil, post:7292, topic:988, full:true”]

If you can’t speak, they give you a laminated paper keyboard. Frustrating to use, but you can still communicate.

Meanwhile, in Iran, they appear to be digging mass graves to handle the dead…

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Not even that good a joke. MLS ave. attendance is higher than NBA and NHL.

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World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract
Covid-19. Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released. To be
clear, WHO let the dogs out.

— Gillian Turner
(@GillianHTurner) March
12, 2020


Over on 22 politics apparently Chinese restaurants are the primary attack vector in the US.

Until your importing gets disrupted and you can no longer manufacturer the final product because the raw material in this case is the most important part of the final product.

We are already soon to see shortages in some drugs. Ramping up racism and rhetoric is stupid.

What’s MLS?

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Football. And as we are on the subject, if Leeds don’t go up because of this shit that will be the most fucking Leeds thing ever.


So regarding the virus remaining in the air for up to 3 hours. This means traveling on an airplane is likely an especially bad idea, yes?

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This is what a proper response looks like.

It’s kind of funny, but this is good practice really. No doctor in modern times can keep up with all the latest info on diseases, cures, meds, etc. But they should, in theory, be better than us at Googling to research and they should definitely be better than us at using that research to treat the problem.

There is conflicting information on this. There have been blood tests that are indicative of at least some level of immunity, possibly full immunity for a period of time. It’s too soon to know for sure, though, and there have also been anecdotal stories of people getting it a second time after recovering. It’s very possible that these people never recovered, and the tests that had them negative were inaccurate, given that there have been some issues with inaccurate test results.

So, frankly, we do not know and won’t know for sure for some time, but I’d say that it’s more likely than not that there is a level of immunity for at least a period of time after getting it. China has been using blood plasma from recovered people to help others fight it, because it has antibodies in it or something. They flew some to Italy as well. Again, they haven’t scientifically proven that it works, but it has shown efficacy and they’re testing it and in the mean time, given the situation, it’s being used.

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Folks, I have some important information that I learned this morning. I casually mentioned to the guy I’m currently doing work for that business might start drying up for me soon if the economy tanks. He said not to worry because it’s going to bounce back and none of this will last very long.

He then, unprompted, informed me this whole virus thing was done on purpose by N. Korea because China didn’t help them enough and they’re all bad people over there. He knows this because the two countries are right next to each other and you can’t argue with geography.

Boomer facts. News you can use.