Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Thanks for the updates everyone, it’s helpful to feel informed. I’m flying back to Europe today from LAX, to a pregnant girlfriend at home in a city with confirmed cases, and a mom who’s been battling chronic disease for years now but definitely wouldn’t win this. So to say I’m concerned is putting it mildly. At least my job in academia can easily be done from home, and all my meetings and future travel has been cancelled.

Also, who knew my first post on this forum would not be Trump related…


USA is the largest pharmaceutical producer in the world.

Yeah I’m just gonna tell him I think it’s time for him to look out for both of them and send him some links. He understands it’s a real thing but I don’t think he really gets it yet.

But almost all of the fundamental medicine used in a standard operating room in every hospital today is manufactured in China.

A large percentage of the API, (active pharmaceutical ingredient - the truly important shit in the drugs), is produced in India and China. And in many cases, solely produced in one or the other of those two countries.

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Attacking China right now seems like a really bad idea, which is exactly why I expect Trump and Republicans to do exactly that. We need them not only for PPE and pharmaceuticals, but also for evolving info on the disease and possible treatments.


The anti China language just feels like another pretense to WW3.

So weird that CR has only two new cases announced as of 3 pm but has performed nearly 500 tests today.

Honestly, I’m expecting 100+ new cases announced tonight. Makes no sense to announce two positive cases then follow up with even more aggressive restrictions.

A Brazilian official who met President Trump and Vice President Pence on Saturday in Florida has tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

Fabio Wajngarten, communications secretary to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, has been diagnosed with covid-19, Brazilian officials said — potentially bringing the illness into proximity with Trump.

Wajngarten stood with Trump and Pence, a photograph taken at Mar-a-Lago shows.

Trump said he “isn’t concerned” about the development, according to a White House pool report.

Brazilian officials had been in the United States to tout their country’s economy and meet with U.S. officials. After his return to Brazil this week, Wajngarten presented flu-like symptoms and underwent testing for the coronavirus.

According to officials, he tested positive and is awaiting the results of a second test.

Bolsonaro, who also met with Trump on the U.S. trip, is being monitored for any signs of the illness, according to local reports.

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The bunkers are known collectively as Galt’s Gulch


And it’s fair to say films,TV programmes and music are things that are made.

Not sure if my one time has refreshed but trump dying of this would be fucking christmas come early.

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You might want to make sure you are in the clear before having a lot of close contact with your mom. 5 days is the median incubation time.

yeah. i have a rec sports (kickball) league tonight… probably 300 or so people. im wondering if the league is smart enough to cancel. highly doubt it though being im in the red south…

Hate wishing death on people, but if anybody deserves it, it’s him.

All the base ingredients come from China.

US is still #2 in manufacturing in the world and higher per capita than China.

How much of our “#2 in manufacturing in the world” uses base materials that are all sourced from the US? How much uses base materials from China?

All you sweet summer children who mocked me because I said we’re drawing love to nuclear war.