Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Joe’s going to challenge the virus to a pushup contest.


If you have any influence over such matters, I would encourage you to roll the policy via an email rather than an all-hands meeting…

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It makes me feel great that their seems to be two tiers of testing - famous/rich? - sure no problem.

Everyone else? - maybe if you’re at death’s door. Although we might just let you die w/o ever testing you.


fuck, all the NCAA conference tournaments are cancelling. GG March Madness :(

AAC, Big Ten, SEC all announcing cancellations within minutes of each other.

This was coordinated. No chance March Madness happens now.

He should really just pretend that he is president and give a normal presidential address steadying people up and telling them what they should be doing to help minimize the spread.



Good thing all the L.A. poker rooms are open. I took leave of absence starting this week. Absolute craven morons, although I am sad about the many who will likely lose their jobs. Myself included but I don’t need it, most do.

Oh, it will be announced over email. But do have small group training sessions yesterday and today on how to use the remote access system.

Literally one of the worst things you could be doing to spread this thing. I’d be surprised if they aren’t shut down by next week.

Ok I’m starting to think the CDC not testing is a combination of incompetence and intentional. Incompetence because they don’t have enough tests to go around. Intentional because they are hoarding what they do have. They want to make sure the elites can still get tested any time.


My parents live in the rural Midwest. My dad is 73 and mom is 68. We of course have no data on any infections in our area yet. I want to tell them to start staying home now. My dad is a bit of a doomsday prepper, has a bunch of that dried emergency food so they could totally self-isolate without difficulty. I don’t expect him to agree with me but I don’t want it on my conscience because I didn’t try hard enough to convince him. Is it reasonable for me to push this now? And I guess if not now, when?


I guess it was predictable that the US would turn to racism and thinly veiled military threats. Smart move when we need China desperately to continue producing our medicines and PPE.

Well the worst case scenario one way is you scare him for no reason and they miss bridge night or something right?

The worst case scenario the other way is pretty bad.

That was my rationale for terrifying my mom and sister anyway.


Yeah - we literally can make nothing on our own anymore except bespoke artisanal hempware and shit like that.

Whoa, just announced. Not optional, we are required to work from home through 3/30.

You can’t tell him what to do, but you can make sure that he makes an informed decision. Maybe instead of insisting they stay home, you should tell him that this has the potential to be bad and ask him what his criteria is for staying home to keep your mom safe?

I am unable to resist trolling taxation is theft libertarians at this juncture

Are blood donations needed to combat this? I see there is a blood drive nearby today. Trying to balance social distancing with maybe doing something that’s helpful. Shrug.