Coronavirus (COVID-19)

164000 people over 55 years old in prison in the US.

The teams had already been encouraged by the league to have testing lined up for this possibility.

Over the past week, the league office advised teams to work with health providers to make testing available to its players and visiting teams. Last weekend, the Golden State WarriorsStephen Curry was tested for COVID-19 after he came down with flu-like symptoms in San Francisco and the test came back negative.

I’m talking to a client, who just told me that their CFO called an all-hands meeting to discuss the plans for remote working if needed. :man_shrugging:

This was pointed out to me by the barista I was chatting with, but it’s incredibly strange to see so many political parties coming together to support the same public policies. I mean there are something like 10 parties in Parliament here and none of them have tried to score political points on each other over this. Everybody has been united on this and it’s part of why the government has been able to act so quickly.

MLS now canceling games

If the US government gets united on anything, I get terrified.

Last time that happened was 9/11.

Thought we were only worried about large gatherings of people


Yeah the only time our two parties get united in my lifetime it’s to bomb people, strip more civil liberties, and bail out corporations.

Our company will encourage all employees to work remotely starting tomorrow. We are a subsidiary of a larger company, and assume they will do the same. Assume this will be standard practice going forward for all companies that can swing it.

I think this means we’re going to declare war on pangolins.

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Holy fucking shit

Jazz gonna do this to Gobert tonight


No more sex with mollusks.



Sounds like Republicans have been given marching orders to start an anti-China narrative.


…and he’s also one of those pricks calling it the Wuhan Virus.

Oh good, that should calm everyone down.

Want to know what these billionaires who you refuse to guillotine will do once the shit really hits the fan? THEY WILL LEAVE US ALL TO DIE! It’s them vs us, literaly and for real.


Fuck pangolins. I never trusted those things.