Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Where I live (the Netherlands):

  • National urgent advise to stay home if you have a cold, but only contact a doctor if your have severe symptoms.
  • If you work in the medical field you will only stay home if you also have fever. Medical personnel is advised to not travel to foreign countries.
  • All gatherings of 100 people and more must/should be cancelled. This includes musea, sports events, entertainment, etc.
  • Schools and daycares will remain open. Assuming that everyone with complaints stays home, schools should be safe and their functioning is required to enable medical personnel to keep working.
  • Minimize contact with vulnerable people. And vulnerable people should avoid using public transport.
  • Everybody who can work from home should do so

Measures are active until March 31st.


Congrats at having a more coherent government than USA#1


That “spokesman” looks like he slipped in from The Howard Stern show. Bababooey!


Sounds like the 8 tests conducted in the USA yesterday were all NBA players?


Kind of weird. People in Czech Republic are pretty stoic. Looked at first glance that everybody was going through their day no problem.

But their actions belie their appearance. Granted, not much was sold out at the nearby convenience stores. When I went to the pharmacy, I saw some old lady grabbing a shitload of immune system boosting crap and a bunch of cold/flu meds. If she coughed, I was gonna run for the hills. I went to my normal cafe to grab some coffee beans and the owner’s look in her eyes were that of anxiety and panic.

Given the ban on events containing 30 people or more, it seems silly to go to a meeting of 60+ people at work. I’m not going regardless. Worst they’ll do is deduct some cash out of my paycheck and I’d be willing to sacrifice that.


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Of course they were. We triage based on income. Lots of dead poors on the horizon.

This is all so confusing. 58 tests administered in a single day to Jazz players and personnel? That can’t be right.

What are the odds that Trump himself has been tested?

What are the odds that he hasn’t insisted on multiple tests, maybe daily, maybe more frequently?

I’d say pretty low. He’s a bury your head in the sand guy.


Supposedly his doctor told him that he didn’t need it.

But I heard that labored breathing and a muffled cough or two along with extreme lethargy. No doubt he has coronavirus.

Trump definitely seems like the type to: 1) hate getting tested, 2) not want to know if he has it so he can just continue to deny it to himself, and 3) to think it’s impossible he can actually get it because he is a perfect human being.





I assume the nba made a deal with the private labs to get their testing to the front of the line.

This. I don’t think Trump has the ability to admit to himself that any symptoms he’s exhibiting need testing until it’s too late.