Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The change for Italy was yesterday part of the main affected region reported slightly late so the cases didnt get added til today.

I did see a reddit post yesterday that the original cities in Italy that were locked down around two weeks ago had seen a significant dropoff in cases. So hopefully that dropoff appears soon for the other areas.

Mustn’t let one single post stand on its own, if it communicates what can be interpreted as a positive development.

hmmm own it. It’s a syndrome of its own.

Crude projection for the number of cases in the US based on the last week using the same method as before:

March 12:  1810
March 13:  2440
March 14:  3289
March 15:  4434
March 16:  5977
March 17:  8057
March 18:  10862
March 19:  14643
March 20:  19739
March 21:  26610
March 22:  35872
March 23:  48358
March 24:  65191
March 25:  87882
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Oh, look, it’s the jackass that thought this was no big deal come slinking back into the thread.

Does anyone have any idea what the current % of US cases that require hospitalization is? I would guess it’s very high since we barely test.

Stop it both of you. Take it to DM or start a new thread. No one cares.


Jazz-Thunder sent back to locker room seconds before tip. Both were on the court ready to start. Game delayed, no reason given.

One of the team doctors came out, spoke to officials/coaches, and they are apparently waiting for league approval.

Twitter says a few players got sick right before the game.


The Jazz played in Boston 5 days ago. One of the studies from China had 2 weeks as the ~max incubation period, but 5.X days was the median.

Have we learned nothing? “Finance executives” and “fundamentals of the economy” should never ever appear in the same sentence.

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One of the sick players is Rudy Gobert, who did this:

Prediction for Trump address:




They just canceled the OKC game. I’m not leaving the house.

Just read a separate article on him. That motherFUCKER.

Out due to illness. LOL joke’s on you Rudy you piece of shit.

Thought this was pretty good. Idk why it didn’t mention the somali pirates but whatever


Good to hear that my mother, despite her Trumpiness, is taking this seriously.

Not sure how comfortable I’ll feel going to work Monday. Sure it’s just teachers and only for the morning but it still sucks. A meeting of 4-5 dozen teachers in one room seems like a horrible idea but it appears to be compulsory.

If this is novel coronavirus for Gobert and other Jazz players, and if they contracted it in Boston (both seem more likely than not at this point)…

The Jazz schedule since Boston:

@ Detroit 3/7
vs Toronto 3/9
@ OKC Today

The Pistons schedule since 3/7:
@ New York (Knicks) 3/8
@ Philadelphia Currently

The Raptors schedule since 3/9:

Knicks Since 3/8
@ Washington (DC) Yesterday
@ Atlanta Currentely

Wizards Off Tonight

Celtics Since Jazz Game
vs Oklahoma City 3/8
@ Indiana Yesterday

OKC then vs Jazz tonight bringing it full circle.

So contact tracing one team gets you nine other teams, so 10 total.

So, like, if this is novel coronavirus the NBA isn’t going to play without crowds. They’re going to suspend games for a couple weeks, at least… then play without crowds.