Coronavirus (COVID-19)

And of course, you have to consider who players from those other 8 teams competed against.

I mean you’d basically have to test every NBA roster and the staff.

I really want to hear what has to be said at 9pm but I can’t bring myself to listen to him talk so I’ll be following here for updates on what he spews.

I just told my wife that this Trump address was going to send my lawnmower into orbit and it immediately became clear that I’ve adopted an entire online language that she’s completely unfamiliar with.


Guess I have to watch. At least for as long as I can handle.

He’ll probably say one thing that pisses me off and then that’s it.

Call in sick imo.

Just so you know, I LOL’d super hard at this.

My wife asked me what was so funny.
“You wouldn’t get it”


I mean the meeting’s gonna be in Czech. I don’t see what’s gained by me being there.

At least the teachers’ rooms are split among smaller rooms. Only 5 other teachers in my room.

Same. I can’t even stand to see his tweets and very rarely venture into the Trump thread for that reason.

Literally just happened to me.


This is by far the best summary out there.


Lol this exact scene just played out in my house.

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Anyone have a good youtube link or something to watch this gong show?

Not sure how good

unpresidented response

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Low energy Don. Sad!

He is the ugliest man alive.


Foreign virus

beginning of time?

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Ok gaslighting about the response now.

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What the fuck is wrong with one of his eyes? His face is almost lopsided

His breathing is also labored