Coronavirus (COVID-19)

You spelled actively cheering wrong


It ought to be blasted from every news bulletin on every tv channel too, just like the EMAILS and BENGHAZIIII updates were.

Spoiler: It will be rarely mentioned.

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Apparently a couple of cases popped up in the county my sisters live in.

One of my sisters works with disabled people and there are a few immunocompromised people in her workplace. If they close due to coronavirus, the business probably won’t have enough cash to pay out salaries. The other sister works at a public school as a social worker. So she’ll get paid if the schools close. My mother’s working from home so that’s good news.

No doubt unemployment’s gonna go up. Stock market’s gonna get worse before it gets better. Healthcare system is gonna be overburdened in some parts of America. I’m sure Trump will have some group to throw under the bus for his fuck ups.

I don’t remember who posted their extrapolation itt and it’s a million posts up there somewhere. Does anyone still have the image and is it still tracking?

Here it is. Looking right on pace.

Ok well here it is. Tell every single girl you know that there is a very clean and safe coronavirus and STD free sex dungeon with enough food and water for a 14 day sexcation/quarantine at my place.



Shit, I gotta clean my flat.


That wasn’t my extrapolation, but if anyone is curious how it’s been progressing:

Total Cases:


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Confirmed USA#1


Apparently you live right by my sister.

Or are you my sister?


Put those on a log plot and/or fit an exponential trend line to the fast rise sections.

I’m assuming Italy’s kink in the curve is due to the full country lockdown and hopefully not due to their healthcare system getting overwhelmed to the point that they can’t count cases anymore.

I read that blood donations are diminishing because of the hysteria, but a recovered, Chinese doctor is donating his plasma, which, like every other patient to recover, has the antibodies to fight the virus.

We’re cured, fam.

Wasn’t there suppose to be some big announcement at 5:30 est?

I worry that we have
1 more people
2 more loci of infection


Italy’s cases were confined to a much smaller regional populace. So that may buy us a couple days.

Also worth noting that around 40% of the US population is dangerously stupid

Edit I guess MAGA covers that


I gave blood at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Monday and they said they’re already seeing a big drop. I don’t usually take the “I gave blood today!” sticker but they asked me to please wear it to encourage other people.


Italy’s also more densely populated which means that there are more opportunities for community spread to occur in a given day.

If it’s really true that a plasma donation from someone who’s recovered is like getting a vaccine - there’s going to be a whole weird cottage industry spring up.