Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A father of two of the kids at the high-school I work at has been diagnosed with Covid-19. The kids seem not to be infected, but the county has decided to keep the school closed for the rest of the week.
On Sunday it will be ten days from the time the father has come home from a skiing trip. So they will reevaluate then. seems to be a sensible reaction to me.

Got an e-mail from the school district (Cobb County, GA) saying that someone in an elementary school was diagnosed and the school will shut down for 14 days. 2.5 miles away from me.


Society probably won’t collapse as a direct result of corona, but it could very well be the catalyst that leads to some really bad shit. I am far more afraid of the human sociological response to a pandemic than its immediate health impacts.


Germany hasn’t shut down schools yet? What’s up with that?

Posted exactly this when the CR saw its first three cases on March 1st. Ten days later and it’s 94 cases. Once the first community-spread case was confirmed on March 9th, the amount of cases exploded.

It’s not as simple as that. If we enter some kind of global depression the likelihood for war goes way up. World War II happened in part because of the Great Depression. Except now if we have some kind of global conflict, we’ve all got nukes. Oh, and yeah, our President is Donald J. Trump.

Reminder: Three weeks and one day ago Italy had 3 cases.

I went to Walmart today and they were out of toilet paper. Looks like I waited too long.

I guess I’ll just have to start forcing my body to poop once a week

If you are already using Citrix then pretty trivial but still some people will have trouble connecting from home and/or unstable connections because their home network is not configured correctly. We moved to work from home today and we test this regularly and still have several people with VPN phones not working and not able to connect.

Schools are being shut down in affected areas. This is the first case in my county. I am pretty sure we will see countrywide school shut-downs in a week or so - most likely on a federal state by federal state base.

Take some Imodium.

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UC Berkeley closed (maybe classes online). The elementary school in SF where my daughter works closed.

At this point us closing the Southern Border would be a net positive for Mexico.

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I don’t like the way this is making me feel. Life is generally pretty easy with trivial sorts of grievances, but I definitely am not having fun anymore.

New York State announced that all state universities will move to distance learning modalities starting on 3/19 through the end of May. Some 450,000 students affected, and unfortunately not all in my institution have access to computers/internet, so that won’t be particularly fun.

How long do you think these shutdowns a) should last for b) will last for?

A: I have no idea. B: I have no idea.


"And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

This quote should be part of every Biden campaign ad from now until the election.


Shoes, too, may most come into contact with surfaces covered with droplets of the virus. 2nd only to one’s hands. All those shots of streets being sprayed to disinfect.

Put your kicks in some disinfecting solution nightly, maybe, the soles anyway.

still providing knowledge itt, eh? lol

My boss said in China it takes about 2 months to calm things down. It’s still unclear to me though what happens when normal commerce is restored. We’ll find out.