Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I believe the Stanley Cup Finals were cancelled in 1918 from the Spanish Flu.

Also, I know the Eagles and Steelers combined teams in 1943 due to WWII and I just learned the Cleveland Rams suspended operations for the year. Officially that team was called Phil-Pitt, but it’s known as the Steagles - I always thought Steagles was official, just looked it up and saw that Phil-Pitt was official.

NCAA tournaments to be held without fans

Watch these two guys develop unfortunate CV-19 symptoms overnight and get replaced by the usual Trump toady.

I’ve felt a little off the last two days but if I’ve got this shit in nowhereville USA then I can stop worrying about trying to keep it from spreading, too late for that.

Obviously it probably isn’t but this one is new for me. It’s weird, feels like I’m 5-10% off my usual self.

Your pony was held without fans


It’s not malice in the sense that Trump is trying to hurt specific people. Its malice in the sense that he is more worried about image and his own ego that he makes decisions that end up hurting people.

And yes his own ego and image in the moment is more important to him than strategic political planning for weeks and months ahead.


2004-05 NHL season was canceled due to a lockout

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This is just massive in so many ways. Conservatively, just the first weekend alone will see a loss in something like $80M in ticket revenue. Factor in the loss in vendors, parking, etc, then start going through the Sweet 16 through Final Four and those ticket prices are higher and the Final Four venue is massive. Factor in the travel, hotel rooms, restaurants, bars, etc… Forbes had the economic impact of the Final Four on Houston at $300M in 2016.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this has an economic impact of more than $1B spread over the 14 host cities.

Yeah I think we’re not counting work stoppages over labor disputes, though. War, natural disaster, disease, etc.

I just don’t see any way the economy doesn’t get massively hurt from this. The combination of major events being canceled, no travel, cities on lockdown, and a lot of people out of work will create enormous impact globally. Let’s hope it doesn’t lead to societal breakdown too quickly.

Man I really wish we had competent leadership to guide our country through this.

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I appreciate all the information sharing and insight in this thread, but damn it has me pretty panicked now.

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Looks like DC city gov is moving a little. Declared a state of emergency, urging the cancellation of non-essential mass gatherings.

I guess I’ll get a front row seat to how much authority the DC gov actually has vs our federal overlords…

The Washington Post: D.C. officials say ‘non-essential mass gatherings’ should be canceled or postponed.

We are drawing very live to a Great Depression type scenario that is way worse than the 2008 recession. As I stated earlier because of this we are also still drawing very live to nuclear war.


Chris Redfield?

Question for the IT folks in here. Let’s say you have an office where 100 people come in each morning to do their work on thin clients. Each person logs into Citrix and performs all computer-based work via the Citrix instance. Scale of 1-100 (1 being trivial, 100 being impossible), how difficult would it be to set all of those people for work from home assuming no prior efforts to build out or test those capabilities?

Who exactly do you think is going to start popping off nukes during this outbreak?

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So came home and switch it over for the Champion’s League game… Football/soccer. PSG v B. Dortmund :point_left: My team when Celtic is out.

  • Champions league=Superbowl
  • Game is played indoors with no fans.
  • I lasted 5 mins… I’m now listening to the radio in my car listening to St.Mirren v Hearts. Scottish league game. And back working.

It was so surreal watching that game with no fans, that was depressing me so much, with 2/5 of the best football players in the world depending on your views.

PSG has the 2 of most exciting strikers in the world hands down. It was still boring.

The number of cases of coronavirus in Glasgow his risen by two.

The Scottish Government made the revelations during their daily 2pm update, in which they revealed the nationwide total also increased by a third.

The number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Scotland now stands at 36 - nine more than the figure on Tuesday.

The latest daily figures showed that of the 2316 tests carried out in Scotland a total of 2280 tests were negative for the disease.

That is an increase of 83 cases, up from from 373 at the same point on Tuesday, the Department of Health said.

I just went into the office today and asked what’s what, no answers, no holidays left, no monies. If I take time off I pay for my Car/radio and its over £370 per week. :roll_eyes:

What do I do, I can’t claim anything, I can’t sell anything, I have literally no savings after Xmas. :thinking: Expenses.

If I walk out and leave, I’m barred from every company in my city… :cry: And then I’m barred from benifit for 6 months.

Dilemma 101 for possibly 100,000 up and down the country. And we are more vulnerable than most.


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I’m pretty sure E3 and SXSW added up to $1B lost. Houston Rodeo was $227M last year. I’m ballparking March Madness without fans being a MINIMUM of a $1B hit, and possibly quite a bit more.

We’re probably a day or so away from the NBA and NHL announcing no more fans the rest of March, at least. I just counted 142 NBA games from tomorrow through the end of the month. A couple years ago the average cost for a family of four to attend an NBA game was $440. Let’s say it’s $500 now because that makes for easy math so $125 per person, and there will also be some lost business from nearby restaurants and bars. The average attendance is about 18,000. That’s 2.25M per game, that’s $319.5M for the games the rest of the month. 179 NHL games the rest of the month… They’re $424 average for a family of four, so $106 per person. Average attendance appears to be around 17,500… So about $330M total there. That’s all just through the end of the month.

This gives you an idea of how seriously each of these entities will be taking it when they take steps like this.

We’re going into a global recession. It’s inevitable. Markets just haven’t quite accepted it yet.

Italy is closing down almost the entire country. All shops except for supermarkets and drug stores will be closed.

I’d rather get COVID-19.