Coronavirus (COVID-19)

My best guess for most likely has the initials DJT.

I’m with you on a Great Depression level scenario. Still don’t see how it leads to a nuclear war. I mean, it’s not like we’re going to invade China for their test kits, Trump doesn’t even want 'em!

Just like the flu.

Worst case scenario (hospitals overladed mortality rate spikes) + 70% infected is something like 5-10 million dead in the US alone. Society will break down. Wars start when society breaks down. Wars start when your leader is a weak impetuous narcissist.

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It sounds weird, but what I’ve been doing is keeping track of the cases in each country and dividing it by the population (in millions) to get a cases per million people stat.

When I look at places like Norway (118.09), Denmark (92.09), and Switzerland (76.07), I don’t feel so bad with the CR being at 8.54 cases per million people.

I know it’s not the be all/end all of numbers for reasons I’m already aware of but it does bring me some comfort.

Trump is going to address the nation at 9 eastern. That should calm things down.


Doesn’t sound weird at all. Problem is, my panic is not related to my health or my chances of getting the virus. I will take precautions and still see that as relatively low likelihood. The panic sets in when I think about about potential job loss, economic disaster, global recession/depression, society seizing up as a whole, etc.

My job and career got through 2008-9 unscathed. Always felt very, very fortunate about that. I don’t see the same thing happening again. Fingers crossed.


That could just be an average American who just walked up one flight of stairs.


Totally expecting him to do at least one of the following:

  1. Blame Democrats for spreading it
  2. Claim that Chinese people brought it into the country intentionally and have them placed into internment camps
  3. Declare that he’ll save the economy from total destruction
  4. Make oddly sexual comments about coronavirus tests

NY Times: Democrats dispute Trump’s claims that MS-13 brought in the virus

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I work in manufacturing and my computer is used by at least 5 other people every day. I’m going to get the virus before I’m allowed not to work.

Yeah it’ll definitely be worse in America.

CR’s Pandemic Plan projects a GDP loss of 3% if it spreads in a way consistent with a flu pandemic. Not sure if they’re referring to swine flu or Spanish flu since they refer to it as a general flu pandemic rather than anything statistically significant.

Of course, it’ll likely be worse and lead to a larger GDP loss. Now that containment has been broken here, it’s about saving lives, minimizing the spread, and encouraging sanitary behavior.

Everyone is still in denial about it being serious here. Local college team FB page is in an uproar about NCAA announcement. “The flu has killed more people!!” Fucking morons.

Counterpoint: Costco has no hand sanitizer

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Almost typed that in instead of Chinese people.

Like Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” I’m sure Trump will find some way to leverage this to his benefit and further crush the American people.

Also, I find it impossible that coronavirus cases in America went up by just 10% today but by 29% or more 4 days in a row before that.

Putin might decide it’s a good time to get frisky taking more Ukrainian territory while everybody else is focusing on treating their sick and tip off something big.

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Legit thinking about buying an AK-47 on the way home so I can protect my rice/tp stash.

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After Katrina white supremacists were going around shooting black “looters”

Buy a gun.

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Stealing this tweet from @spidercrab in the Trump thread:

You don’t say…

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My vision of Keed


I’ve been joking that I should have bought a barrel for my AR receiver that I’ve had for a few years instead of the sweet drum set I just bought. Starting to wonder lol.

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