Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Total in the CR up to 91 now. Number of cases more than doubled in 2 days.

Apparently, the Czech government actually has a specific pandemic plan which is used to respond to an influenza pandemic. The projection is that if it spreads like the flu, 30% of the population will be infected within 9 to 15 weeks.

Obviously, it’ll spread faster than your conventional flu and likely affect more than half of the population. Just hope by the time I probably get it that some better treatment methods are developed for it.

Based on how it has spread in Europe, there’s no way that only 1,000 people in America have it. It has to be way more.

If you care to read it, this is it (in English)


WTF at that 3rd tweet?

That third tweet is horrifying. Has the feeling of a mob strongarming.


It’s incredible to see the reactions to this on social media break down by party affiliation. My Republican acquaintances are largely still in the “MSM hysteria, chill out you idiots” camp. Even one Doctor I know, who is aggressively Republican, is doing the flu whataboutism.

NCAA tournament won’t have fans. Crazy.

But the Pac-12 tourney in Vegas is still on. Woo hoo!

Holy shit.

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Looks like the country is starting to take this serious, with the exception of the idiots in charge.

Well god damn

So are we going to hear everything the coaches are yelling?


Might be a better way to go than to keeed over tbh.

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Right. Of course that’s not going to work. But if three years has taught us anything it’s that trump is above all a fucking idiot who doesn’t think more than one move ahead. He’s just gotten lucky so far and run like a god. Now his luck ran out to our detriment.

What happens when a single player catches a cold? Shut down the entire thing? (Same question for MLB too if they go forward with a similar plan.)

Has an NLF/MLB.NHL or similar season ever been cancelled? We are drawing live to that.

Yeah I’ve mostly left market stuff out of this thread, but today it seemed relevant to the discussion over Trump’s response to coronavirus to add the context. I still plan to mostly leave it out of here and not get in depth in here about it, but I do think that it’s not just a one way street. It’s not just coronavirus spreads → market falls. It’s also market falls → impacts Trump’s response.


Ah, yes, more coincidental incompetence from the White House. Nothing more to see here, I’m sure.

I mean, obviously not like this, but every major sport has had either entire seasons canceled or partial lockouts because of labor disputes.

They probably just tripped and fell and can’t get up. You know how bumbling those guys are.