Coronavirus (COVID-19)

all the way


Don’t forget how all the experts praised Sir Trump for how much he knew about this virus stuff.

The only possible way to get Trump on board with doing something is to convince him that he has been doing something big all along, that he was the first one to realize how dangerous COVID is, and that it’s his idea to keep doing something.

This big, strong doctor came up to me with tears in his eyes, and he said, “Sir, we’ve never had a president who understood germs up until now and I just want to thank you”


Not sure about everyone here but I plan to spend my last dying breaths arguing about whether Trump killed me through incompetence or malevolence. #PRIORITIES


Some dude just came into the bathroom while I was taking a shit - breathing like he was about to keel over from pneumonia.

[quote=“commonWealth, post:6535, topic:988, full:true”]
Everyone forgets this is the second KNOWN time his malfeasance has cost AMERICAN lives.

In a purposeful way as being described ITT, to try and keep testing for infections and public awareness to a minimum?

But this has gotten big enough that the pace of the response is being dictated by whatever pace the Trump administration sets. So if you mean the pace of the response isn’t as fast as if a competent administration was in charge, then sure.

Congrats, that’s some powerful gas you have there.


Maybe change your diet


I didn’t think to get cash. Doughhhh.

I cannot remember who it was but in the early days of the Trump presidency in the midst of the inauguration crowd count debacle one MSNBC guest made these points:

  1. Everybody knows that Trump is lying about the crowd count but it doesn’t matter.

  2. There will come a time when Trump’s lying will actually cause real damage up to and including people dying.

  3. That is why it is important for people to call out Trump on his lies and for Trump to have people around him to do so.

Covid, unfortunately, has proven his point.


My work just went remote 100% at each persons discretion, with all travel canceled and some good rules around limiting in-person meetings. And also some good rules around staying home for a good long time if you have any symptoms at all.

my instagram models are getting in on the conversation:

lisamariejaftha I’m Not sure where this virus suddenly came from,but it seems manmade to create fear and destroy the economy. Smdh I’m Keeping my immune system strong by avoiding processed foods and eating more better quality fruits and vegetables.


I just found out that for our work the VPN only works to access most network resources if you log in from a local IP (at the offices or campus). Figure that one out. o_O

The workaround is use Citrix. Luckily I don’t need the VPN but some do.

Yes, I think it’s completely deliberate–his MO is that if he can avoid having to admit anything, he can lie and spin and squirm away from the fallout later on. I mean, he’s going out there on TV and personally saying that this is no big deal and it’s all going to blow over immediately!

I suspect you are right that this won’t work out well in the long-run for him. (Although I don’t think it’s insane to believe that a bad epidemic could trigger some kind of regime-consolidation end-game…) But at both a personal level and an organizational level, Trump and his administration are built to deny and attack. Even if Trump personally realized he was in over his head and he can’t bs his way out of it, wtf is he going to do? Call a staff meeting and say, “Guys, I know I hired you all because you’re sycophants and sociopaths and I normally fire and humiliate anyone who tells me things I don’t want to hear, but this time I need you to actually do a good job”?


196 people died in Italy over the last 24 hours. Bigger single death toll then any one day in China.
196365 (annualized rate)=
71,540 deaths.
Italay has ~ 1/5 the population. Of the USA
5= 357,700 deaths.
The outbreak in Italy is mostly concentrated to the northern region. So that is a low-ball estimate.

Here’s a link to back it up.

We have some system that seems pretty robust so I’m sure we’ll be ok. I don’t think it’s VPN but we do need to do a multi factor authentication to access certain drives. Other than that I think we’re just on the cloud. There is some kind of “tunnel” thing that runs on my cellphone. Not sure what that is, but IT said it was work related after I killed the process from running a few times because I didn’t know what it was.