Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Kids don’t even seem to get it. I thought I read somewhere no cases under 15.

Maybe China engineered this to cull their olds a bit.

hey i used to play sngs. what’d you play?

i’d like to get to know you before we all die



$38s through $215s on Stars - sometimes higher if I was drunk. 9-45 man and MTTs sometimes.

Same sn. I got up to 17 games tiled and was pretty stable there with some sweet AHK scripts.

I played sets because I need 5 minutes or more to cool down and I needed to focus on the last few games that mattered. No way I could play continuous.

My coaching ladder went Johnny Beef → ChrisV → Newt Buggs → Gramps. I feel like I’m forgetting one in the middle.

I was never that good but proud that I at least stayed profitable for 5 years. As the games got tougher I stayed just good enough to beat them. The coaching deal with gramps involved a profit-sharing deal over 1k SNGs. I ran 18% - probably my best extended run. Dude made out like a bandit.

I got a note from neighbors one time about all the screaming and cursing. It was about that point I realized online poker wasn’t a good lifestyle for me.


You were coached by Johnny Beef?!?!?!?!?

Yeah when I was brand new and so clueless he was a good coach.

i played thousands of 6max $5-25 STTs while i taught myself to play more than 20 tables at a time. regged the 119 6max STTs on tilt for a while and played up to the 2ks a couple times but those rarely filled and i ran like shit at the highest stakes lol.

probably the best 6max stt player on there was this guy sizzlinbetta. just super solid and played a ton. in late 2010 on stars there was a $320 USA-coop 6max mtt event and i made it to the final table and sizzlinbetta was there lol. like all my training and all my experience led me to that moment.

i won


Man I’m hoping to get a refresher on suzzer versus dwan. I seem to remember that being a great story.

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Thursday night: suzzer binks a couple MTTs - bankroll $27k - by far the highest it’s ever been.

Sunday night: suzzer starts drinking, thinks about going out and getting coke, decides against, is very proud of himself for that decision, keeps drinking as a reward. Note: suzzer had plans to withdraw about $17k from Stars on Monday.

(the following is based on a reconstruction from HHs)

10pm or so: suzzer plays a $1k HU SNG and trash talks the whole time, wins

midnight-ish: suzzer starts playing $5/10 NL, does ok

1am-ish: suzzer moves up to $10/$20 - holds his own for a while

3am-ish: suzzer is playing 4 tables of $25/$50 - his entire BR in play. Durrr and h@llingol are happy to oblige

5am-ish: suzzer is still going, busto on one table, up to $13k on the other, up some on the other two

5:02am: suzzer runs a ridiculous no equity bluff on durrr, durrr calls down with 2p, river pairs the board’s highest card, durrr is sure he just got counterfeited or lost to trips, suzzer loses $13.5k - still his biggest loss or win in one hand

(this is where the adrenaline kicks in and I start remembering things)

5:03am: suzzer loses JJ vs. AK AIPF to h@llingol for $7.5k

5:05am some kid that I never got along with named DBsweeney or something, who was the only one up watching all this on AIM, talks me into taking my last $5k off the table and calling it a night. I do and pass out.

Sometime Monday afternoon I wake up, realize what I’ve done and it wasn’t just a dream, call my mom and my dad and have come to Jesus (not literally it’s a term) conversations with them. Call everyone else I know, including Irieguy who kind of blows me off telling me it happens to everyone - you’ll be fine. Which is actually the best thing I could hear at that point.

After a couple days recovery, I take out $3k to pay bills, run down to $800 - then proceed to turn that into $12k in a week - the best I’ve ever run. I didn’t have one day of less than +$1k. On the last day I lose with a set to Shaniac’s flush draw at an MTT final table for what would have been like 80% of the chips in play and probably $10k equity. Would have gotten me almost all the way back in a week.

Later at one of Irie’s parties I see durrr. He says he never remembers hands but he totally remembers that one.


There are reports of asymptomatic transmission of the virus in Germany. Very bad news if true.

At work we’ve just pulled our people out of the Philippines based on a risk assessment that a)they aren’t going to be diagnosing cases and b) It won’t be a good place to get sick in a pandemic

Lots of chat with colleagues who are convinced it will blow over because “there’s been lots of scares like this and they were all fine”

I think I need to buy a few copies of Black Swan and leave them around the office


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Ok, maybe now we should be planning when to start panicking

What’s also concerning is that the spread from an asymptomatic person appeared to lead to two generations of cases, meaning the person who contracted the virus then passed it on to others.

The infection described in the new paper involved a woman from Shanghai who traveled to Germany for a business trip from Jan. 19 to Jan. 22 and displayed no signs of the disease, which include cough and fever. She only became sick on her flight back to China, and was confirmed on Jan. 26 to have the virus, known provisionally as 2019-nCoV.

On Jan. 24, however, a 33-year-old German businessman who had had meetings with the woman on Jan. 20 and 21, developed a sore throat, chills, and muscle soreness, with a fever and cough arriving the following day. He began to feel better and returned to work Jan. 27.

After the woman was found to have the virus back in China, disease detectives went to work, getting in touch with people who had been in touch with the woman — including the German businessman, who by then had recovered and appeared healthy during an examination in Munich. Tests, however, showed he had the virus.

On Jan. 28, three coworkers of the businessman tested positive for the virus. Only one of these patients had contact with the woman from Shanghai; the other two only had contact with the German man.

All four patients in Germany were isolated in hospitals and have not shown any signs of severe illness.

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Yes. Those Asian folks on the subway are not germaphobes, they’re being courteous so you won’t catch their sniffles.


I just looked at the twitter search results for the first time and it’s kinda blowing my mind that nobody seems to know this,

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections which are typically mild including the common cold but rarer forms like SARS and MERS can be lethal.

or this,

Human Coronaviruses

Coronaviruses are believed to cause a significant percentage of all common colds in human adults and children. Coronaviruses cause colds with major symptoms, e.g. fever, throat swollen adenoids, in humans primarily in the winter and early spring seasons.[24] Coronaviruses can cause pneumonia, either direct viral pneumonia or a secondary bacterial pneumonia and they can also cause bronchitis, either direct viral bronchitis or a secondary bacterial bronchitis.[25]

or this,

There are seven strains of human coronaviruses:

  1. Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)
  2. Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)
  3. SARS-CoV
  4. Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63, New Haven coronavirus)
  5. Human coronavirus HKU1
  6. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), previously known as novel coronavirus 2012 and HCoV-EMC .
  7. Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),[26][27] also known as Wuhan pneumonia or Wuhan coronavirus.[28] (‘Novel’ in this case means newly discovered, or newly originated, and is a placeholder name.)[27]

The coronaviruses HCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43, and -HKU1 continually circulate in the human population and cause respiratory infections in adults and children world-wide.[29]

There’s at least one case of a 9 month old with it in Beijing. I don’t know what ever happenned to the 9 month old, this was like 3 days ago.

Schools in Hong Kong will now be closed at least until March 2nd.

Estimated that 20% of people infected go on to develop severe symptoms, so 80% might not even suspect they have it.

A lot of these numbers look to the layman like they’re near the sweet spot for virus effectiveness.