Coronavirus (COVID-19)

My boss went to China for 3 weeks - I don’t know what part. She got back Jan 7th though so I guess we’re ok.

My daughter and her bf seem to have recovered from what was probably a regular flu, but who knows. I’m going up to SF this weekend, so maybe it’s not too late for me to get sick. Any SFers wanna holla at me, you have your chance.


Those disposable masks are pretty much worthless for anything. Source: Me, based on lots of personal experience with both dust and chemicals. When I need to filter the air I’m sucking in I use something like what reed posted.


Not IME. Like if the environment is really terrible you need a better mask, but just spending some time in an attic or crawlspace without one and I’ll feel junk in my throat at the end of the day and with one I won’t.

I’m sure they’re marginally better than nothing, but when you blow your nose at the end of the day you’re still spewing out black snot. And pro tip for working with any kind of chemical fumes - if you can still smell it your mask isn’t working.

well the biggest reason the masks won’t work is because you know most people will put them on wrong and make them useless anyway

It’s enough for me to not have black snot for the most part as well, but I’m only in moderately dusty spaces. Most people don’t use a mask at all for what I’m doing. And I don’t use solvents or anything like that. The thing I’m most likely to do that other people don’t is use ear protection. I use it all the time, just for intermittent impact drill or hammer drill or even just being near other people and their nail guns or whatever. Hardly anyone else ever wears ear protection unless they’re using a jackhammer or something really loud.

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Isn’t the purpose of the health masks to keep the wearer from spreading germs more than from receiving them?

As long as its antigens don’t mutate.

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Just decided to play Plague Inc for some unknown reason. I’m pretty sure we are doomed.


Did someone here say that a doctor was infected? I can’t find the post now.

On Thursday, France confirmed that a doctor who was in contact with a patient with the new virus later became infected himself. The doctor is now being treated in an isolated room at a Paris hospital. Outbreak specialists worry that the spread of new viruses from patients to health workers can signal the virus is becoming adapted to human transmission.

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Well he’s French so he probably shared a cigarette and a baguette with the patient.


It’s a rapidly mutating virus. If this isn’t contained, we will have multiple strains circling eventually.

Well in 100k SNGs and can only remember losing to one 1-outer. So maybe I’ll fade a few. Also I imagine if you’re youngish and with a good immune system your odds are a lot better.

Which begs the question (yes I’m using the new usage - which is better anyway) how much does it suck for the people who don’t die? Is it just like a bad case of the flu?

A major pandemic occurring at some point is pretty much a given really.

I’m sure Trump will handle it well.

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It mostly has only killed olds so far, avg age is 76.


And possibly his penis as well.