Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I am only mildly shook so far, but noticeably more shook than I was yesterday.


I stocked up on masks and hand sanitizer. My wife thinks I’ve lost it and is making fun of me.

Didn’t someone who seemed to know post something about how masks don’t help and might even make it more likely to contract it?

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It was his wife


As a Chicagoan…

Lol I run so good.

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Good info on this in that reddit thread.

Use of masks alone is insufficient to prevent infection. It can worsen problems if people believe all you need is a mask. Other hygiene measures are needed: wash hands, sneeze/coughing into a disposable tissue, maintain distance of >1 meter

It depends on the mask and how it’s used.

My understanding is you want a respirator that fits tightly. I got these and then they have replaceable cartridges. I got p100 cartridges that are supposed to block 99.97% I have use for these outside of the viral apocalypse so it was an easy decision for me to stock up even if it takes me years to use all the cartridges.

They probably live down the street from me.

And my sister works at a Chinese immigration firm (which doesn’t actually mean much but still).

It is acording to the women on QT tonight… :roll_eyes: And someone else was saying we should something something China, Live animals Ban, trade, tarrifs BS.

Don’t worry though, James Cleverly knows experts.

If it makes you feel better, I live in South Florida and the Super Bowl is this weekend, so I expect to be infected within a week.

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I feel bad for you just based on that.


Does anyone know if you can get it twice? If not I might just go to Wuhan, fade my 1-outer, then come back and roam the streets like a God while you’re all cowering in fear behind 3M gas masks.


My guess is it’s like flu. If this gets out, it will probably be with us forever. You will need to keep getting a shot for that years wuhan.

213 deaths out of 9600 infected in china. Still maintaining a 2-3 percent mortality rate. This is terrible.

Or maybe it’s like 1 strain of the flu - which once you get you don’t get again (I believe).

A doctor in France who was treating a patient with it in France himself contracted it. France has a pretty good health care system. That is extremely troubling. UN agency declares global emergency over virus from China | AP News

ok have fun wearing this and looking like a psycho. maybe wait until society collapses so people don’t think you’re on a rampage


Lol this is obviously only if the US ends up like China.

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