Coronavirus (COVID-19)

My boss just called us into a small enclosed conference room to terrify us with stories from her family in China, and remind us that any of us could have it and be in incubation period and not know it.

One interesting tidbit - in China they’re telling people it won’t live for more than 5 hours on clothing. So when the shit really hits the fan but you have to go out for food - leave your clothes out where they can get some air for 5 hours, take a shower, and you should be good.

Lol calling deliberate deception incompetence. You definitely did not call this.


Seriously? Trump is trying to keep a lid on this to try and protect his chances at reelection.

Why it is incompetent it is absolutely deliberate and with full throated malice. Trump has been actively interfering with the CDC and the response since day 1. Something you said was not true.

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Brilliant show. Way way ahead of its time.

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Is the future gift a KAGA Hat?

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The end is so Trump never has to face any consequences. To whom the malice is intended is inconsequental.

You think Hillary’s FDA wouldn’t tell unlicensed labs to stop testing patients until they obtain a license? Didn’t realize Hilldawg’s FDA folks had such a libertarian streak of embracing innovation and risk taking. Good to know.

Yes, I think that the administration correctly recognizes that the lack of testing is a political problem for them rather than a political strategy that they are engineering. Because while they are on the whole quite dumb, they are certainly smart enough to see their hands in front of their fucking faces. Not getting enough testing quickly enough obviously isn’t going to help the administration. It isn’t going to cover anything up. The true extent of the coronavirus problem in the US will become evident one way or another, whether there is sufficient testing or not. And if the lack of testing contributed to a serious problem – quite likely – it is going to be a big problem for the administration politically. And rightfully so. And even Trump is smart enough to see this.

Unnecessary classification of meetings is incompetence when it interferes with the function of a response, which it certainly is doing now. And you’ll have to take my word for this, but I am certainly not surprised by reflexive secrecy from this administration.

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Wait, now we need string? What for? Will twine do?

Narrator: There was no God. :frowning:


They were using samples collected for a flu study. I do not have a problem with screening them for corona as well. The licensing thing was a difference between the lab being approved for research vs clinical.

In a sane society, they would suspend those requirements when you have evidence of a patient with a novel and highly contagious disease. Instead it took weeks to get approval for additional testing.

Like, of course FDA should license testing facilities. Of course there should be strict requirements. In a situation where you have a research lab that is telling you an epidemic is about to unfold in their back yard, and nobody else is doing tests in the area, you can give some fucking latitude for the research lab to test additional samples.

Or it could be deliberately interfering with the “function of a response”, whatever the fuck that means.

The future grift is red coffins.


Again, to what end? How does the Trump administration benefit from a purposefully botched response to this emergency?

Look what happened with Maria. They pushed hard on the early death toll being low, knowing they wouldn’t be counted properly for a while. They took victory laps while having a totally shitty response that caused more people to die that could have been avoided. By the time the real death toll became public knowledge, he was in the clear on the poor response.

Obviously it’s easier to get away with doing that to Puerto Rico than the nation overall, but it’s easy to see how he benefits from undertesting.

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That…isn’t going to work with this epidemic? Not even for a little bit? If there are hundreds of thousands of cases here and people can’t get tested that will obviously be disastrous for Trump politically. Surely you can see that.

Three years in and you still think Trump can think more than one step ahead. Sad!


You’re wrong here.



Trump’s strategy is to lie the virus away, just like he does with everything because it’s the only thing he knows how to do. He’s never faced consequences for anything in his life. His cult of supporters have never held him accountable for anything and they’re not going to hold him accountable for this either.