Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Wait, I’m supposed to be avoiding unlicensed massage parlors??


You’re ascribing to the Trump administration a degree of functional rationality the evidence belies.


they’re not botching it on purpose. they’re botching it because their priority is keeping stock market numbers high because even most trump supporters realize trump is a shitshow and the only good thing going is the economy.

lying to people about the severity of the outbreak is an attempt to stop the markets from freaking out because the dow joans indushtriel average is what’s keeping trump’s approval rating over 30

btw dow down 1400 today


It’s been explained to you repeatedly including by me I think yesterday.

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Make that 1,550.

We’re racing for the circuit breaker at -7%. Currently at -6.2%. Now -6.22%. Now -6.26%. I can’t type fast enough to keep up with it. Now -6.4%.

And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done


They covered it up in the hopes it wouldn’t be as bad as everyone was telling them it could be. Up until this very minute nothing has changed.

The administration has covered up, hidden, downplayed and interfered in hopes it won’t get worse.

You have to stop asking why would Trump do something like that. It makes you sound dumb.




Surely you can just find a cam girl to do that?

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No circuit breakers after 3:25, it’s literally a race to see how much it can drop in the next 11 minutes.

Trump is botching it because he’s an incompetent bullshit artist who can’t manage any team, let alone one as large and complex as the federal government. But I think that Trump wants the outbreak to be as small as possible and I’m sure he realizes that the more testing availability there is, the better. Because that’s obvious to anyone who thinks about this for five minutes. Yes, even Trump. And he also realizes that if things get bad he’s not going to be able to keep the true extent of the outbreak secret. Which, again, is immediately obvious to even someone like Trump. If things get bad enough it’s not going to be possible to talk up the stock market, if it ever was. And sure Trump is dumb but he’s not dumb enough to think that he can coax the Dow to 30,000 with bullshit when there are ten million Americans sick with coronavirus.

Yeah we just didn’t realize the 15 people who were going to be near zero were:

Doug Parker (CEO American Airlines)
Oscar Munoz (CEO United Airlines)
Ed Bastian (CEO Delta)
Arnold Donald (CEO Carnival Cruises)
Richard Fain (CEO Royal Caribbean)
Michael Brown (CEO Wyndham Destinations)
Arne Sorenson (CEO Marriott)
etc etc

Oh, shit. Only one is -20% right? Which we won’t hit.

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It’s at 6.6 with 9 mins to go

Just because you think it isn’t going to work , doesn’t mean it isn’t his strategy.

Sure, what he is doing should be political suicide, but that is standard.

Lots more people getting infected/dying due to his strategy.

Surely you can see that.

This will be my last response to you on this, I’m not going to continue the derail any longer… But:

Agreed, but he cares more that the perception of the outbreak is small than he does that the outbreak itself is small. Hence the lack of available testing.

False. There were like 10 or 11 deaths in the Washington nursing home a week or two before the official COVID-19 outbreak there, obviously some of them were likely COVID-19 but they aren’t listed as such. That kept his numbers down. The same thing applies everywhere. Less tests = less official cases = less official deaths from it. They’ll get attributed to seasonal flu, pneumonia, natural causes, etc. Eventually data scientists will be able to compare to typical rates, compare to other countries, etc and give an estimation but it sure as shit won’t be before election day.

This isn’t really a derail, it’s on topic. It’s just annoying posting because I’m pointing out that the prevailing viewpoint of this thread is conspiratorial nonsense.

I mean honestly I don’t know what to say to this. If thousands or tens of thousands of people in the US start dying from coronavirus pneumonia you think Trump is going to be able to keep that secret? And that Trump will benefit politically if there aren’t enough tests to verify those cases definitely? Totally insane. That will be a disaster for Trump.

i would replace dumb with delusional and yeah i think he is that delusional.

from my observations over the last few years trump thinks 5 minutes into the future and no further. he will say anything to get out of the room or to end a conversation with him “winning”. doesn’t matter if there’s video evidence to the contrary, if you can’t present it to him in 5 minutes he’ll just deny it to get the fuck outta there. 15 cases and that will be zero in a couple days??? that’s an insane statement. the guy’s a nutcase. i won’t put it past him tweeting an elon musk and saying saudi arabia is gonna buy the national debt for $420 million

but i agree with your overall point that i don’t think trump WANTS a pandemic in the usa. he’s just too hopelessly deranged to handle this when he cares more about his scoreboard stock market numbers than human lives

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“You have 15 people, and the 15 in a couple of days will be zero.”

It’s not exactly a mystery, Scooby-Doo, case closed, stfu.


How is this incompetence? They didn’t accidentally classify the briefings by filling the wrong form.

It’s 100% purposeful monkeying with the process.

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