Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For the record, I’m pretty sure I was the first Unstucker to buy a pulse oximeter and pimp them in this thread. Trend setting! I should have made and posted an Amazon affiliate link lol… Although it’s possible that @m_reed05 beat me to it?

They’re widely available on Amazon. Chill.

You can get a severe case with no fever. You can also get a fever and not have a severe case. For $15 on Amazon, you can get a blood oximeter. Seems like no big deal.

This super complicated gizmo reads out a number after you push a button and slide it onto your finger. If it’s below a certain point, it could be bad. Probably not many people are going to have a problem with a lack of familiarity with this particular gizmo. And given that everyone ITT knows to call ahead first before going in, if we’re super wrong about it they’re probably going to tell us.

I’m not going to lie, I thought about doing this in the supermarket for a good 5-6 seconds before I was like nah I’m not a thief. They had none for sale but like 2 bottles per checkout lane, and they were big bottles.

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Who could have POSSIBLY seen this coming?


In what I regard as heartening news, the people of Los Angeles definitely appear to be taking this seriously. Roads are ridiculously clear.

When America sends Mexico its tourists, we’re not sending the best and the brightest. We’re sending the dumbest, the drunkest, and the most coronavirused.


Who could have seen incompetence coupled with unfounded and harmful reflexive secrecy and paranoia by the administration? Me, you, everyone. Obviously? Incompetence by the administration has been my argument the entire time.

It’s not only incompetence; it’s also malice.


Malice towards whom? To what end? Please, go on.

My grocery store is all out of TP but they still have paper towels and rice + beans ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

Yeah uh ordering docs in Seattle to stop testing patients and classifying CDC information on the outbreak doesn’t scream incompetence to me. It’s a coverup.


Hard to wipe your arse with a bean.


Stick enough of em up there and problem solved!


so i should just not leave the house? i have a nonessential doctors appointment that i really want to go to today, skipping yeah?

I’m not turning this into a stupid Keeed derail. If you can’t figure this out on your own, that’s a “you” problem, not an “everyone else with eyes and a brain” problem.



The administration is ordering states NOT to test, and you’re still going with incompetence and unwilling to admit it’s an attempt to suppress information about the spread of novel coronavirus to coverup their failure to address the situation while attempting to boost stock markets?


I see your intubation machine and raise you an oxygen port built into the wall near every bed.

Amazon says my O2 tanks will be here by the end of the week.

String raise!


I’m going to test the existence of God by praying that this thread doesn’t end up in a 100+ Keed derail about incompetence/malice of the Trump administration.


Text between my wife and her dad, who is 84 and is like 5 for 5 in pre-existing conditions that increase the likelihood of death if he gets it.

I bet you can guess who he supports.

Did you actually read that Times article? It was a licensing and consent issue. Putting aside the consent issue (which was substantial, they were using samples collected for one purpose to test for another disease without getting the people to sign off), should labs have to be licensed by the FDA to test patients? Should there be a process to get approval to do so? The FDA telling unlicensed labs to stop testing until they obtain a license is kind of the FDA’s whole thing, I don’t care who the president is.