Coronavirus (COVID-19)


It’s jumpin’, jumpin’ in the CR still. 61 were reported yesterday and that number is up to 75 today. Most are still related to travel in Italy but again that’s most. Also there are 2 in intensive care at the moment: an 84 year old in Brno and another in Prague who we know nothing about.

In short, the number of cases in the CR has nearly doubled in the last 2 days. Still got the night to go too.

But it is a slight relief to know that the total number of new cases so far today (14) is less than the total number (23) yesterday. Normally the total number goes up over time.

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“state laboratory”? I certainly hope they told the federal government to fuck off.


Can’t blame the Trump admin for that!


WHO just declared it a pandemic.

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They held off for a couple of weeks, but on Feb. 25, Chu and her colleagues “began performing coronavirus tests, without government approval,” the Times reports. They found a positive case pretty quickly, and after discussing the ethics, they told state health officials, who confirmed the next day that a teenager who hadn’t traveled abroad had COVID-19 — and the virus had likely been spreading undetected throughout the Seattle area for weeks. Later that day, the CDC and FDA told Chu and her colleagues to stop testing, then partially relented, and the lab found several more cases. On Monday night, they were ordered to stop testing again.

Checking in with everyone in my family who told me not to panic right now. I wish I had been wrong about this. Ughhhhh.

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Clearly the CDC has gone rogue.

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Just isolated incompetence, no biggie.

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In positive news, GrandmaWookie is doing much better as of Monday, so she probably didn’t have covid-19.


University of Dayton Spring Break starts Friday. Students had travel plans. On Tuesday the school said everyone has to be gone Wednesday. Students flip out in protest, riot police show up.

“It’s perfect!”

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I sure as hell hope and expect that California is moving ahead on its own without worrying about what the federal government is doing. Time to secede.


lol “China”.

As if there’s no difference between the outbreak in Wuhan and Shsnghai.

Good thinking. I’m looking a the costs of leasing vs buying a dialysis machine, not that there’s anything wrong with my kidneys now but you never know!

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Read the whole thread. Ho-lee-fuk

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Fake news because we know trump is not hamstringing the response, we have been told that by people in this very thread!


You noobs should be renting portable oxygen machines before they all disappear.

Its got us all in check.