Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yeah I really need an o2 meter. With my asthma, high blood pressure and having had pneumonia in July, I am pretty concerned. But I haven’t gotten one, hope I can still find one.

I don’t need an o2 meter but you guys are making me want to buy one anyway. Soon I’ll be laying face down in bed taking short shallow breaths checking my o2 along with this thread


I just ordered an o2 meter on Amazon. Plenty of there, there hasn’t been a run on them yet. I’d suspect nobody is really talking about them outside of unstuck.


Fire is a positive result for corona. Class is cancelled


I’m considering going all Princess Unicorn on these pulse ox devices.

:musical_note: my horn can pierce the sky :musical_note:


My mom just texted me this. Uh who are Dave and John? I had dinner with her last night and while she seems to understand she needs to stock food in case of a disaster, she still seemed to think everything would be fine. Before I left I made sure to give her a serious speech about being safe for just the next week and if it blows over we can all laugh about it but just in case it gets really bad you have to start protecting yourself now. She still probably thinks Trump is gonna save us but it’s a start.

I beat you guys to the punch. I got my pulse oximeter last week.

And to trolly, it’s more likely, if you get sick you self quarantine and stay home and teledoc. But if your oxygen levels start dropping, it’s time to get to a hospital.

brb, I’m off to hoard UV lamps to disinfect papers.

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My friend just sent me vid from a security cam in our hospital showing a guy stealing a bottle of sanitizer out of the frame which is in front of our therapy rooms.
Last week they stole a bike(no joke) this weak the go for the sanitizer.

I think we’ll also need to stock up on insulin. Not sure, I’m not diabetic or anything, I’m just going through the list of things that are vital for other people and are limited in supply.


It’s happening

Parts of America are finally catching on

I can’t imagine a world where trump makes this announcement.


Add a smiley of some description…


We’re going online teaching only and I don’t think anyone here has any idea how to convert from in-person teaching to online teaching. We certainly haven’t received any detailed guidance from the admins. This is going to be a clusterfuck.

Basically the same situation I’m facing. I mean I can send homework to be done by scanning it and sending it to my students electronically but they won’t be sending it back electronically. We don’t have the infrastructure to run online-only classes. I’ve run classes with an online component but my employer had the tools set up to do that. They taught the students and teachers how to use it. We’d just be making this shit up on the fly.

I have no choice but to try but damn it isn’t going to work at all.