Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Okay. Dumb question. How do I attach pictures from an iPhone?

I have copies of letters and announcements that were going around.

Vegas is over 100 in June/July. If this thing spreads in those temperatures*, wsop is done for at least a year.

*well 30 inside the Rio, definitely be careful in there.

When you’re typing a reply, hit the upload button in the bottom right (has an up arrow). You should then be able to add a picture from your phone.

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Okay thanks.

These are two of the leading hospitals. Out of 4 or 5.

A third is apparently directing patients to one of its two branches.

As to what “they” are doing. These are fully private, independent businesses. They are making decisions on their own.

This is correct. If it spreads in hot climates, the Philippines is in for a very very bad year.

I’m extremely worried for friends and family there.

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Exactly, it’s freezing in the Rio and you get players from all over. So wherever it is spreading at that point (South America? Australia?), you get at least a handful of cases at the start.

Then people are touching chips and cards and the bustout rate is high in those smaller buyin events so you can easily get 20 people playing on a table in a few hours… Then the dealers rotate tables so all the germs are intermixed. The chips get reused in other flights/tourneys after color ups and it can probably live a few days on them.

So the rate of spread would be absurd. But even if it only doubled every 2 days for 3 weeks, if you started with five cases you’d have between 5,120 cases and 10,240 cases at that point. I would imagine everyone (dealers, players, floors) who stayed for the full 7 weeks would get it, unless they were already immune. Then you have the people who come out for 4-7 days and fly back home.

Even if it’s burned out or contained in the states by then, it’s going to have to be the US Series of Poker or be cancelled if novel coronavirus is still spreading anywhere in the world.

Play limit tournaments so there is less turnover.


I’ve been sick literally 100% of the times at the WSOP. It’s barely safe under regular conditions. I wouldn’t set foot at the Rio during an epidemic

How you doing now? Update?

Still have a fever, cough much less severe. Quarantined in the guest room with my dog who refused to leave. I hope she doesn’t catch it.


Yglesiad tweet from Feb 22.

Is it wrong to be rooting for the death of the human race? I reckon if cockroaches achieve sentience they’ll have a better psychological make up. They’re less physically vulnerable so maybe they won’t be as easily brain hacked by basic scare tactics.


As one of the largest panickers in this thread I would like to throw in that it is still far far more likely at this point that you have something other than Covid-19. Probably the flu. This statement will probably be different in two or three weeks. Get better soon.

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Trip report from my local grocery store last night. Shortages have finally hit my area. We’ve been out of sanitizer and wipes for weeks, but yesterday the store was out of toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels. The most ridiculous out item i found though was when I went to get tylenol from the pharmacy area. The shelves were wiped clean of… wait for it… all homeopathic drugs.


Ya that’s obv the most likely scenario. Still drawing live to be the forum’s first tho.

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China now has it’s first case of Coronavirus imported from the US: I wonder if they’ll call it “The American Virus.”


Doctors everywhere are feeling their spidey senses clamoring. Inadequate PPE and rapidly outdated testing protocols, while there is active mild disease circulating widely, means what happened in the Bronxville hospital is not a fluke. No hospital has tested every single existing patient with an unidentified viral illness for COVID. How can we send healthcare workers into these rooms without N95 masks, splash guards, gloves and gowns, and ensure their safety? We can’t. How about the safety of other patients? How about the safety of immunocompromised patients? We can’t.

We are being told not to panic, to wash our hands and test based on outdated criteria, using a process that can’t handle the rate at which we need these tests done. Meanwhile our colleagues in Bronxville are in utter chaos and we are on high alert for how this wave crashes upon our system. Please stay away from healthcare centers unless you have a true medical emergency and keep a close watch on your local news for hotspots in your community. This is a rapidly evolving situation. This is NOT the time to slack off. Social distancing works. As does proper hand and hard surfaces hygiene.

From a doctor I follow on FB. Bronxville is the hospital in Westchester where they’ve have the big outbreak.