Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Guy on Rogan is saying the evidence so far is washing your hands and using hand sanitizer isn’t going to help a ton and this is mostly airborn. Best bet is N95 mask. Luckily I got one from my friend this weekend and will be wearing it constantly at home.

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My company just announced a worldwide work from home policy. Only go the the office if you have no other choice. Management thinks that the best way to slow this down is to be proactive even in countries where there are still low amounts of cases. We are a cloud company so pretty well suited to work from home but lets see if our VPN infrastructure holds with thousends of people working from home.

That is the exact opposite of what most experts say and also not in line with how fast it is spreading. Airborn would be like the measles and Covid-19 is spreading at a speed much more like sars/mers and the flu.

I mean he still said wash your hands as much as possible. He said they tell people to do it mostly so they feel like they’re doing something. I think he’s basing that off the data from China which might be BS.

I dunno, I’m still definitely going to wash the shit out of my hands but definitely gonna N95 up as well whenever around me ma.

To be fair to this guy sounds like he predicted this exactly happening in his book, though I’d guess most experts saw this coming.

Looks like I’ll still be going into the school next week. No students though. Teachers and staff only. Basically me doing next to nothing for what the Ministry of Health projects is at least a month. Leads me to believe that if teachers are going in then these classes won’t be made up in July.

Paid the $1/week offer for NYT access. (I’ve exhausted all my freebies across browsers and devices and finally ponied up)

Well worth the read.

This is going to spread in hot weather. Other corona viruses survive the Middle East heat.

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Likely. MERS is the prime example.

Even if seasonal we still have another month or two of mild weather across the northern US.

Can’t find it right now, but saw a tweet that it’s not hospital beds it’s pulmonary care beds that is the issue. Regular flu has them at near capacity this time of year anyhow. Plus the specially trained nurses and respiratory therapists. Should be 1:1 for critical cases and there is no fat in the system.

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This guy you’re listening to is a moron.

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I doubt the expert on infectious disease that Rogan had on is a “moron”.

To be clear he said washing your hands and using hand sanitizer is great for reducing the spread of disease but this specific disease can still spread despite that.

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I also read an interview with a coronavirus expert recently and he said that spreading in warmer weather is likely or maybe even probable

Some of my own thoughts: The rate of spread may slow because of different habits in warmer weather. i.e. - Get outside more, windows open (sorry Lapka!), etc. And since the flu does usually tend to drop off with warmer weather, competition for the same beds/equipment at hospitals should lessen as the weather warms. (I know that we still appear to be drastically under-equipped for what’s coming, but it still stands to reason that if the peak is pushed to past the normal flu season in as many areas as possible, it could still help somewhat.)

At this point I’m starting to worry less about catching it at some point, because it seems almost inevitable due to how terribly we’ve handled things, but instead I’m trying to think about ways we can all help the healthcare system and healthcare workers. We need good and specific guidance on what to do when we have symptoms. (i.e. - don’t go to hospital, don’t even call unless fever for X days over X temp, difficulty breathing and/or low O2 saturation.)

If the shit really hits the fan I think I’m going to try and find ways to help health care workers rather than cower and wait in hiding. I’ll have to wait and see if there is a meaningful way to help, or if that would just be getting in the way. If we do have immunity after catching it, survivors should be recruited to help. (Drive meals, medications, etc. to people being treated remotely at home is one idea. I’m sure there are lots of other things that could be done if this stuff gets organized now before we descend into chaos.)

This sitting around waiting doing nothing is the worst fucking part IMO.


I’m hoping we wake up to how unprepared we are. Like those mask that help. For the cost of a fighter jet we could have basically an unlimited supply stocked up.

Well, seems like France is fucked. Just read that hospitals are already overwhelmed in terms of testing patients and, in the absence of being told otherwise, are choosing themselves to just admit acute cases and tell the rest to go home untested.

I’m assuming that given we live in the middle of its biggest city then supplies of essentials will not become an issue, so I’m not worried about stocking up too much, but indefinite time mostly in the home looms. Sadly I will mostly be watching a 2 yr old get frustrated rather than cam girls, poor life choices always catch up with you!


We’ll probably never know right?

You misunderstood my sorry, I believe. And I’m not freaking out, so fuck off about that.

Nobody does. If you think you do, you are mistaken. But I have more knowledge right now than 99% of the population, and probably (charitably) 90% of health care workers in the US.

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Poland is closing all schools, kindergartens, universities, theaters, cinemas, museums and art galleries for two weeks, starting Friday.

I’m glad you’re so confident. But what’s going on in Italy and now France show that people are not instinctively doing the right thing over there any more than over here. Matter of fact, Italy is suffering due to the same macho BS that we see in the US. Maybe Germany will react differently when the shit hits the fan?

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