Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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Online super seniors event one time pls


This episode is very, very good. Would recommend.
Do have to go through a bit of a side track on CWD in deer.

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I assume that’s not US facing, right?

In reality we’re probably already at C or D, the question is how badly they suppress tests. If we’re able to test even remotely sufficiently, it’ll easily be D.

Three sick people at the BioGen conference in Boston infected 70 and counting. How many will three TSA agents have infected?

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Ya can’t bet from USA.

It’s a tricky bet for the reason you mention. Need to actually test people to get confirmed cases and who knows how many test kits are actually going to be available in the USA.


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Yeah this renewed crisis of not being able to process the test kits we have has me thinking the mortality rate in the US is going to be higher than in Italy, both in official numbers due to the extreme bias towards only severe cases getting tested and in the eventual accurate count due to so many people going untested and not getting the proper treatment until it’s too late.

Plus one of the studies in China upthread said like 25% of the COVID-19 patients had comorbitities, in the US it’s probably going to be >50%, which probably means a mortality rate around 1.8-2 times as high.

My guess is our official rate is going to be above 5% for a while due to undertesting minor cases, and when it’s eventually corrected down by data scientists, it’s still going to be like 1.5 to 3% whereas other developed countries that have healthier populations and implemented early widespread testing and better precautions might see <1%.

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My man, all of these figures are wild best guesses right now. There’s no point in trying to extrapolate from this immense fog of war.

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This is sweet. At least FB is trying to do something. Twitter DGAF about misinformation.

Here’s he story it leads to.

Entire USA about to be on lockdown.

“This happens every time there’s an election you dummies.”

That’s exactly what I expect FB is along with YuToobz and 4chan.

The fuck are you supposed to do if you have to literally go to a high-traffic downtown hospital to pick up C-II Rx notes because your doctors won’t send them electronically? Would any of you just waltz into a fucking hospital with confirmed cases?


Until the people give them coronavirus.

One of the major hospitals in Manila just sent a couple of letters

  1. A surgeon was diagnosed and a number of people he’s been dealing with have been put into quarantine

  2. They are now turning any suspected cases away. Due to risk to other patients and staff.

Privatised medicine for the win. You can’t have overloaded hospitals if you don’t accept the patients.

Good luck USA number 1.

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Holy fucking shit. Their approach in the Philippines is going to be not to treat anyone with it at all?

That’s going to end really motherfucking poorly.

Got a link to an article or something on this? I’m hoping it’s at least temporary until they get protocols in place, or they are designating COVID-19 hospitals and non COVID-19 hospitals, which actually can make a lot of sense in areas with enough hospitals that people can get to either.

The Phillippines is a very poor country with zillions of people many of whom live crammed together in close quarters, they have no shot at running an effective treatment program.